How do you get out of Silver Rank as a Healer?

Not only zen and ana

I have seen lucio’s who were main carry with 5 gold.
And moira’s too. Only problem with moira is that she is the same as reaper.
You can only climb with her to a certain level after that she becomes completely useless and all skill you learned with her becomes useless. So if you want to climb higher then diamond better dont learn moira. But if you only want to climb a few ranks, go for it, it is sometimes easier to carry with her then with a dps class.

And brig and bapt are also nice to have in your skill set. They are just more situation based.

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Make sure you know who to heal and when.
If 2 dps fight the better one will win. If the worse dps though gets support during the fight he will win. Dependent on heroes a decent support can make up for any imbalance on your teammates sides.

As someone who plays dps, support and tank I can tell you that no role feels as easy to carry with as main tank and support. As you said most of them are bad. So its really easy to play better. And in the end the team with the better tanks and support wins.

Some players dont believe this but it makes sense. You can play without dps (it was meta for a year now). You can’t play without support though and barely without tank. This is telling you something! Support is the most essential role! So if you are better than average on support you carry.

The reality of this game is, if you are better than the average player in your games you climb. So if you are deranking, its your fault not your teams. Focus on your own gameplay and making it better. Avoid repeating your mistakes and you will gain sr I promise.

You should tell this to him, because it seems that he has no idea:


Fall in love with a pharah or AShe. Mercy needs a lot of game sense to get out by herself. Do you control super jump and far jumps ? DO you really know when to dmg boost and when to go healer, also your ult will win several fights in low level. ult mercy with pistol might be good.

Low bracket healers might think the winning condition is to heal 24/7 a dps tank.
As mercy you need to look for every fight going on and change the tide of it!!! that would be my best advice from a almost M mercy.

Support and Tank mains should probably avoid comp until they sort out a role queue and/or 2-2-2 lock.

The best composition just now is 3-5 DPS. Most Supports and Tanks I know are dropping like crazy just now.

TLDR - Learn McCree to climb this week until they bork another character.

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Practice Practice Practice. Eventually you will climb.

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How much is your gold medal on healing? What are your assist numbers like?

As mercy, really who else on your team is going to compete for gold heals? This is probably not a good benchmark for your performance.

I climbed from bronze to gold playing mostly mercy with some moira. I don’t think I would recommend maining mercy, simply because for whatever reason now main healer is a popular role and it isn’t uncommon to have an ana and/or moira instalock on your team. Doubling up on main heals isn’t great because you lose the defensive ult, but if red team doesn’t have anything that requires one then its ok.

If you want to play support I would recommend at least adding zen and/or lucio to your hero pool.

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If you want to get out of silver as a support I’d advise one tricking dps Moira. Otherwise it would be easier to just find a dps you can wreck with and one trick them. Ignore your teammates when they scream at you to swap.

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Losing 52 SR with one game less than 50% win rate means you’re losing more than you’re gaining per loss / win. That means the PBSR is telling you that your statistics (not sure which ones) are below the average of the rest of the people playing that hero in the tier. The normal SR gain / loss is 24. Anything higher on a loss means you’re below average statistically, and anything higher on a win means you’re above average statistically.

I highly recommend you use Basilisk’s Overwatch Performance Tracker spreadsheet to record the results of your matches, as well as reviewing the matches with the new replay feature to see what the other support heroes are doing differently than you, or to figure out where you were when you died.

Details are in here:

I’d suggest that some coaching/feedback can be more effective than possibly making the same mistakes over and over again without realising it.

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never stop shooting, shoot at tanks for the most part

stay 5m behind your tank the majority of the time

keep the healing aura up most of the time

you’re responsible for shooting stationary things. bastion torb turrets sym turrets etc

you’ll get to gold

This is not what makes Lucio useful.

Citation needed.

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this person follows me around the forums and trolls me all day long.

so take what I say with a grain of salt

This guy is right, I was stuck in silver a long time trying to fill and appease my crappy team mates. Then I played only Ashe for a couple days, had plenty of people tell me to switch or I suck even when I was carrying. Had gold damage and elims almost every game. Made my way to 2200 SR. I know that’s nothing to most people but it was nice after being in silver so long. Now I got bored and started playing Mei.


this is what happened to me too. you gotta find how far you can get with DPS before anything else imho


Gold medals don’t matter, even a little bit. Play to win, not for medals. If you win with 0 medals on DPS, you did your job well enough to win.

You might just be better with hitscan DPS than other roles.

You can climb on any hero, just put in the time to improve yourself.

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Yeah but I was winning, as you can see from the rest of my post I climbed up to 2200 from about 1700 in a few days.

And I don’t really buy the whole medals don’t matter at all thing. At least they do a bit at lower ranks. If I had the most elims on my team then I had the most elims on my team. And if I had the most damage I was likely contributing more than a scratch for those elims.

And the proof that I was actually doing work was that I ranked up a considerable amount. Could probably hit plat with Ashe if I keep going.

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But they don’t matter. You can tickle the entire enemy team as D.Va or Moira while the rest of your team gets the actual kills and you get an elim credit. You can flank as Roadhog the entire game, healing yourself and feeding the enemy team ult charge, getting gold heals. You can play Tracer and get no medals, but because you spent the entire game getting half the enemy team to chase you, your team got easy team fights. You can get a gold damage medal on Reinhardt, but because you were charging in every fight your team got picked off and couldn’t do anything.

Medals don’t matter - focus on improving and you’ll climb, it’s 100% guaranteed. Don’t worry about what your teammates are doing (unless it’s to figure out how you can help them succeed).

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Heal more than the average healers in gold. Also get more utility value than them too.

Just that general improvement

The biggest thing that makes the difference is staying alive. Can’t heal/buff/otherwise support when we’re dead, so that is the single best thing you can do to help yourself.

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