How do you counter pocketed sojourn?

i’m about to lose it playing against this combo :pensive:

That’s the neat part: you don’t!


Depends on your role. Tracer is a good choice.

Stronger pocket.

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No matter what you want to do, no matter the cost: target and destroy Sojourn’s trousers.

Water,shes a android.

By not doing it alone.

If you go 1v2 and expect to win its a you problem.


Assuming the Sojourn is actually good…You don’t. You can outplay but there’s no easy press H way to deal with that duo.

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False. A single tank going in against A Sojourn Mercy should win theoretically.

Since when?

You pick something that can kill the Mercy

Since a Tank counts for 2 players.

I dunno but a good start is to pay attention to rail charge

They don’t

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You don’t. Kill other people on their team first.

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support :smiling_face:

love having the sojourn charge off my roadhog then one shot me

Get your own pocket sobjorn

The correct answer is: focus the other support. Kill that one. That will either force Mercy to stop pocketing Soj or she keeps pocketing and the other tank + dps die.

You don’t! And we will never nerf Sojourn either because we’re inept at balance! In fact, we BUFFED her when she was the best DPS in the game!

-Alec D

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U just sparked a idea
New water hero.
Like supermario sunshine
Or posiedon