I think there is a lot wrong and I’m gonna give my complete thoughts (which is all my subjective opinion) which ultimately amount to nothing and I’ll say why at the end:
Hero just needs yet another rework, in my humble opinion. When she is weak she is useless, and the moment she becomes remotely useful the game suffers for it. She is horrible to play with, against, and as. Even if she isn’t in a strong state and your team is winning, playing against her just feels inherently frustrating and annoying.
The main problem though is that certain heroes get absolutely dumpstered by her with extremely minimal counterplay. For example, playing Zen, Ball, or Widow into Sombra is an absolute nightmare. Playing tank into Sombra is a miserable experience that leaves you to choose betwen bad and worse match-ups.
I think infinite duration stealth and translocator may have been mistakes. More than that though is that the functionality of her hack (and possibly even her ultimate) feel like they still need to change. Especially if we were supposed to go down the route of “only tanks have CC”, why does Sombra have a silence? Even if it only is effectively an interrupt (and yes, I understand Junkrat and Ana have harder CCs).
I think another major issue with her is that if you make her gun too effective then she becomes this horrifying stealth assassin that can literally just pop out of thin air and kill a backline member and then safely teleport out. Very easy/high value for very little risk, with arguably the best “get out of jail free” card in the game. On the other hand, if you make her gun too weak the hero feels awful to play as and with. She seems to just do nothing. All that being said, I think her gun has to be gate-kept because of the permanent stealth and how the translocator works.
To further the problem, in a coordinated team environment, she can sometimes be way too good, which gate keeps her balancing for the rest of us. Her ability to scout, set-up, and coordinate a targeted dive on a specific target is really powerful. However, the average matchmaking lobby is just going to be 5 people on each side playing their own game, and so she just doesn’t work as well in practice.
All of that being said, I mentioned I would say why the none of this matters; the hero is getting a soft rework anyway. It looks like hack is going to be getting different functionality and they want her playing more with her team than off in narnia. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.