How do y'all choose threads wtf

I have so many threads with no comments…and my one screech thread that I wrote in exasperated sadness you manage to find despite my lack of interesting title???

Why are you like this???


Whoever plays devil advocate wins :man_shrugging:


Sounds fake but I’ll accept your reasoning

It’s the self isolation. Peeps be lurking.
/half joking

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I go to every Moira threat, explain how she does no dmg, take their salt, get out

Is a pretty interesting cycle


You gotta lure them in and build reputation. Eventually they click into your topic just because they see you are BootLoxes

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That’s how I feel.

Like… Omg… I have non salt threads all sad and ignored

I don’t think I am as revered or near such status as the lovely boot of loxes

…but I already admit I’m salty… :sob::sob: I don’t deny it


The forums are weird.
Whenever I make a thread with a lot of thought put into it, close to no replies.
Complaint threads though usually will take the cake in terms of activity.


Like… I wanna vent salt …but…I’ve made sketches! Designs! Art!

No reply

‘i am salty’

INSTANT comment :sob:

We want need a schnoz update.

Pictures or it didn’t happen

I am on Flonase! Gotta see how I do!

But…that’s weird to post about …message me on that app you made me give into

Why did you post what seems like private thoughts on a public forum??? Why are you confused??? WHO ARE WE IF NOT THE THINGS WE SHARE WITH OTHERS, PARDNER. :cowboy_hat_face:

I think this is a good observation. I’ve learned that opening a thread is best done with less than a half-page worth of text. People browse this forums casually, they don’t want to have to read intricate minutiae on a subject even if it’s one they’re very interested in.


Paragraphs, no wall of context, 3rd grade english can help too

Most likely to get an answer: Sitr up drama

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People respond more to threads that they can have an argument about. Otherwise people just view it, say “yeah I agree” and don’t have much to say otherwise so they move on. If you argue with someone, you constantly reply back and fourth so you are constantly bumping the thread.

Very true. The less words you use to get your point across the better.

Idk… it seems random chance has a large part to play.

I made an entire hero and the thread died within hours…


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I made a thread where I kinda made up a lore back ground for Echo
the thread died 2 hours later…
felt sad coz I never did those sort of things with heroes we got teases of.


It’s like the news. No one cares about that cat that got rescued, they want to hear about the one that got trampled alongside its owner.

People are morbid creatures.

Ive been around since start of old forums on previous website and I can confidently say lore posts and “my original hero concept” posts are the most ignored type of topics