How do I stop getting bad teams

Teams that don’t cooperate, teams that are toxic towards each other, teams that don’t know the basic fundamentals of the game. Teams with a mccree who can’t kill a tracer in a 1v1. Teams with a ball that won’t swap if enemy has a brig, mccree, doom. Teams with a phara that won’t switch when enemy hit scans, and all the phara is doing is feeding support ults to the enemy healers, without actually killing anyone. How do I stop this mess of my competitive games?


Tilt post? Or serious question?


Serious question. I just don’t know what to do? How can I win even if my team is all of the things I said in my first post?


Well youre in gold.

The enemy team is the same rank as your team, they’re gonna be just as bad, making simple mistakes that YOURE NOT CAPITALIZING ON. You win by capitalizing on enemy stupidity. If you think that your enemies arent making mistakes, you’re incorrect, you just fail to recognize them.


I’m gold only on my healer sr. Also, it’s not true that both teams are the same skill level. Maybe added all together they are close to the same skill rating, but if you have higher skill healers and they have higher skill dps, then they will probably win Becuase their dps will outperform your dps.


Then get better. How do you think GM healers climb? They play better than you, a gold support does. Start playing better. Improve your gameplay


I shouldn’t have to carry my team on all roles in order to win. But that’s just my mentality.


That’s a bad mentality. Why rely on your teammates, when instead you can improve and carry your own games?


I see that as bad game design.


get 5 friends together & play as a 6 stack.
otherwise u dont


No dont do that i only stack in quickply, if ypu stack in comp there is a possible chance you get carried, solo wue only in comp that way you know you are climbing truely

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Assuming that I’m hardstuck? What if I told you that I just do my placements and don’t play anymore games in comp, because of how bad it is? I also never mentioned that I expect to get carries. Your teammates Knowing the basics of the game is not “being carried”. Also, I see you have never played mercy, who heavily relies on her team, and can’t carry.


If you dont play the game, obviously you’re not gonna climb. The game cant magically assume youve improved and give you SR from QP and Arcade games, you have to play comp to rank up.

You didn’t mention it, but you’re implying that you dont wanna improve to the point of carrying, you want someone else to do it.

Whether or not I play mercy is irrelevant. I play plenty of other characters to GM that people say “cant carry”. As for Mercy, if Mercy’s not able to carry, how are there bronze-GM mercies out there? If the game were all luck based, and they were reliant on their bad bronze teams, how would they possible climb out?


How to get good team mates…pe all the things you think would make a good team mate…make combo plays…if you see a player you can combo with…and they aren’t communicating with…follow them around until they drop that juicy ult and then …profit…if they don’t use it in 1 min…just yolo. Simple callouts. Lose a game… congratulate enemy team… even if they get cocky…" Smile and wave boys, smile and wave". Compliment team for trying. " We’ll get em next time" . Keep track of player counts " we are 5vs 4 we can do it…or pull back a little…etc…" . Track enemy ults and stop blaming yout team mates…
Watch ml7 on YouTube…unranked to gm…he shows you how he critiques every game…then do the same by reviewing replays…it’s a long grind…don’t worry about Sr number…it goes up and down all the time…learning from mistakes is more important.


I refuse to stack or stay as team anymore because every time i do the next game us a loss, stacking is gatenteed loss next game


How can you not care about SR that is pretty much you worth as an overwatch player just like your rank

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I’m not implying that I want carries. I’m saying that a game where you have to carry to win seems a bit in balanced. Also I have no idea how there are bronze to gm mercies. They probably duo q with a good dps, which I don’t have friends like that.


If you want consistent wins, you have to carry. If you want wins for playing adequately, then you’re gonna sit around a 45-55% winrate. You’re not gonna win a lot if you barely play the ranked.

They solo queue. They win because they play well enough to make a big difference in their games. If you’re not good enough to do so, you’re probably not gonna climb too much.

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I’m not saying I play adequately, I can play well, but playing well is not carrying. And again, you can’t carry with mercy, you depend on your team a lot.


Not playing well enough. Why settle for playing “ewll”, when you could improve and play incredibly

You can make a big enough of a difference to win games consistently, this is why bronze-gm is possible with mercy (Yes, in solo queue). Maybe you’re just not good enough with Mercy.