How do I get out of Bronze? Like... I dunno how, I try everything, the groups, coms... nothing works

All I get are bad players that do not want to work together… how do I get out? I am a rather good at most characters, thing is, I feel like due to the tier I am in, I have just gotten used to so many bad habits in that tier, it is hard to shake them off… I just need to know how the hell do I get out.
Being a good player does not matter if you have 4-5 players that wanna all be DPS… I just do not understand why people do not want to climb, not want to learn every character, or at least a few of every type of character. Because you need to know how to flex in Bronze, or else you be forever stuck, I have played so long I know how to play pretty much every single character. Some good, some not so good. But i still understand the mechanics of these characters enough to come up with game plans, and strats that can work.

Like, how does Blizzard not get that placements, and automatically starting in one rank, is actually not that great… sure you true rank determines where you start, but honestly, it leads you down a road of not being able to improve if you are always 90% of your games stuck with people that ruin your ability to have fun. I can’t have fun losing brutally. I do not mind close games, but losing without even being able to do anything, is pretty much majority of my losing games. You probably think I am just bad, whatever, I am good at this game, but it is hard to find decent people who can work together as a team, it is not really individual skill that is annoying me as much as team work. It does not exist in Bronze. That is my problem. Sure you can do LFG, but even then you can never guarantee you get a win.
inb4 “you’re bad, git gud” comments by 0IQ trolls. And I have seen videos of top tier players reacting to many bronze to gold tier people who have shown they are more skilled then what tier they are in, the problem is majority of the time, team work. Everyone seems to love to forget it is a team based game, you can only do so much as one player. Mercy for example, should be hiding behind corners, taking over majority of the time so she is never an easy target. Moira, can switch between front and back line yes, but back line is always a priority. DVA, should be basically doing everything honestly, protecting everyone, even the main tank.

Just some examples, I do know the basics, I have seen enough top tier play to know there is honestly not that much difference in individual skill between Bronze and GM, because I have seen sniper plays that should be in GM for example. It’s team work level that is so far apart, it’s like the distance between Neptune and Pluto… when they are on opposite sides of the Sun.
Team work is essentially the reason behind majority of the loses, but people at that level constantly go on about gold medals, that they lose sight of how the game is mechanically designed to be… I just do not see how I can climb, when people can never understand such simple things.


Problem for most players in bronze is game awareness and positioning. Just being somewhat good mechanically is not going to be enough… Sure you can carry if you’re really that good but once you get higher being good only mechanically won’t help you out much… also in bronze people have really predictable movements and they don’t really punish people for overextending as much as in higher tiers…

And no placements don’t show your true rank you achieve that by playing a lot of competitive mode. You know you’re at your current skill lvl when your games start to get really tough, when you’re not on fire as much, when you start getting win-loss-win-loss pattern. Some people climb and some drop it can be a problem if there are smurfs but if the enemy team has smurfs so probably your team has them too… same goes for throwers, trolls and leavers…

It’s all good if you flex but for starters you could learn like 2-3 heroes from each class and be effective at them because being average at every hero is worse than being really good at few of them…

Also try and record your matches and review them afterwards and see what you did wrong and try to compare it with the pros. Honestly you’ll probably see a lot of mistakes when you review the game because when you’re playing you can’t really focus on it too much…

If you have so many bad games you’re probably not that good like I said probably not saying straightforward bad. And it’s just an advice don’t say you’re good at the game try and find your flaws and reflect upon them always have the mentality that you need to get better and you’ll see that you actually get a lot better. Also if you’re in voice don’t start criticizing your teammates since that will make them play even worse try to be positive and you’ll see you’ll start climbing if you’re really that much better than your rank.

Really important tip if you’re on a lose streak don’t just go in game after game because you’re going to be tilted and you’re going to massively underperform. Try to take a break for a few hours maybe even a day and then come back when you’re fresh and are not raging.

If you have a gm lvl widow in bronze then the widow would be carrying hard and you should group up with that player and you’d be climbing like crazy since even in gm a really good widow can singlehandedly wipe out an entire team especially in bronze since positioning, game sense and teamwork are at minimal lvl. Otherwise try LFG or if you like a teammate send him a friend request and play with him/her and that way you can get a 6stack of decent players who actually want to climb.

Wish you all the best in climbing tho and hope to see you in masters or gm one day…


The best thing you can do is sit back, relax, play the game. Oh and pray like a fool. You see a few posts about getting out. But no one gets out of bronze. You climb and then boom you lose 300sr due to leavers, trolls, throwers, derankers.

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Dude, i’m having the SAME problem. Being placed in silver, I went on a crazy losing streak and ended up where I am now. Do you want to group up? I main hitscan dps (can flex to support/offtank if needed) and consistantly 2-4 gold medals, with my braindead teammates playing for the enemy team. Usually, I’m the only one shotcalling, predicting ults and calling flanks but no one listens to me. Idk what I should do.

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Best thing to do is get a new account and start fresh.

Competitive below Diamond doesnt really matter though and is more like QP anyway so you could just keep playing your current account if you really want

If you feel like you have some bad habits, take a session or two to study. Go on YouTube and look up hero guides or map guides or those top tips for ranking up or whatever because some of them are very useful for people at low ranks. Go watch some high level gameplay of someone in masters+ of the heroes you play. Analyse their gameplay and take note of things they do differently to you. There could be something glaringly obvious you’re missing (e.g. I have to tell a lot of people on my silver alt to move around more, as a lot of them stand still all the time). I’m not gonna pretend to know how to rank up from bronze. Never been in bronze. So I guess it’s up to you to improve and accept that you can’t do anything about teams that won’t pick up a healer or tank.

or worse, we were winning then boom the widow/hanzo/mccree player goes from can’t hit a mercy thats resing someone to 100% head shots the moria mid fade.

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Record your game sessions and play while focusing on making as few personal mistakes as possible. Then review/ get some of the close loses reviewed to see if your still screwing up.

How I got out of bronze?

Learn pro level mature dpsing.Every games lost is in you.Be the responsible one.Kill everyone on the enemy team alone.

Dont know how to be a good dps?

Game sense videos on how to play overwatch.use your mind to logically not guides on how to play.face it your bronze you don’t know anything how to play or what you’re doing.your trash.

Game mechanics top500 players play and learn.
3.spend 1 hour everyday logging in training room 1 hour in death match and then play competitive.

Here’s the secret see you in silver.

I have no magic bullet, but what I noticed with lower tiers is that they never focus.

I saw boosters win in low tiers by staying with the payload. Your teams loses track of the objective, but so does theirs. Let them to be silly and engage, you stay with the payload and keep pushing. Eventually you will get to the end where the maps kinda squish you together and when it does try to support them.

It’s always a chaotic mess of people not knowing what they are doing. Help them turn the tide. Get a support and REALLY support your tank. Get a DPS, hang back a bit and pick them off. Put your ultimate to good use. Strategic play.

If you are really a higher rank than them, it should be easy to see what mistakes they make and exploit them.

  • Always watch them, who is doing well, and switch to a hard counter. Composition matters.
  • Always position yourself correctly. Lower tiers always play Overwatch like Quake 3 and engage endlessly. Let them, then use the chaos to your advantage. Well positioned players live longer…
  • Make sure you stay focused on the objective.
  • Learn to use ultimates correctly. Some of them can clear a silver gaggle in one swoop.

Payload: Attack. Stay with the payload, always. ALWAYS. Fire at anyone coming close. You don’t have to kill them, just keep them far away. If they ignore you, let them. Eventually, the map will group you and, when it does, help your team by staying back and turning the tide. A good ulti, a good set of skills, etc will help. If overtime is brewing, switch to a character with staying power so you can contest while the silly players respawn. Mei, Roadhog, Orisa, Tracer, whatever you can rock well. Run around, jump, be silly. Benny Hill them if you have to. Every second matters.

Payload: Defend. The most common mistake is not contesting. Do not, ever, give them an inch you don’t have to. In lower tiers, they back away because there are 6 of them on the payload and they don’t want to die. Flank, use abilities, use crowd control, ultimates, barrier, push them, nab 'em, jab 'em, tab 'em, grab 'em. Stop. That. Pidgeon. Now!

Point: Attack. Ball up. The most common mistake is standing outside, looking in. They will keep you out forever. One of you, mostly a tank, needs to punch through. That will split them from all shooting out to some shooting in, lowering the pressure of the choke and making entry possible. Mind you, if they don’t attack and you can’t convince them, that is tough. On some maps, you can flank and start hitting the back line, usually with a McCree or a Soldier ulti. On others, you need to lose and wait for another team.

Point: Defend. Lower tiers always, always leave the point. Try to get them to stay together. Defense is a team game and the most important factor is that you finish things quickly. If they respawn and you didn’t have time to heal and repair, that’s bad. Thorb is a nice asset here, put the turret where it can fire on the point but won’t do so until they are on the point, otherwise they get picked off. Make it camp. After that, start aiming for the head, you do a nice chunk of damage. Make sure you always spam armor and always walk up to whoever needs it and throw it in them. Don’t put it on the ground, it’s a limited resource and Mercy needs it more than Reinhardt. Give it to people you want to survive. Support, then your best DPS, then everyone else, then tank and last one is YOU.

And as always, watch their composition and switch. Sometimes the answer is 5 tanks. Sometimes it’s 5 DPS. See what they attack with and counter them. Pharah? Soldier, McCree, Bastion, Thorb turret. Charging Rein? Orisa. Zarya? McCree stun. Sniper? Dva. Tanks? Surprise Reaper. See their best asset and neutralize it. They will be worse without it. Lower tiers cannot survive with a hobbled player. Find their one-trick and harass.

And as always, as cheesy as it sounds, be positive, say thanks, tell them they play well and they have a really good and they will instinctively try harder to impress you. Never berate them, make light of the situation and tell them the comeback is gonna be epic. Nobody wins with a tilted team. Hell, if anything, they will give you the endorsements you need to LFG with better humans.

Remember, nobody does anything you TELL THEM. They will do what you ASK THEM. Say “wow, nice McCree. Dude, could you please take the left flank it keeps failing we need you there”. “nice Orisa, dude that’s perfect, I’m gonna be behind you the whole game” and that makes them remember to place the barrier for you too.

Also, healers are human. If you take care of them, they will heal you more. Stay with them, defend them, get a duo going. Stay in view of Mercy so she will always have a point to hook onto and escape that will make her heal you every time she jumps. Hang back and wait for her to hook up, down, stay with the team, etc.

I keep rambling don’t I?


The fact that you think there is not a lot of difference in individual skill between bronze and GM, and that teammates are the ones that are keeping you down, is the reason why you are bronze.


The best way is to buy new account since the blizz comp is all about money now

If I can go from gold to almost GM on 3 accounts you should be able to climb out of bronze fairly easily :confused: I recommend getting good at Tracer and it’ll be easy af people have no idea on how to deal with her…

  1. Attitude: Personal agency. Know what you can and can’t change and stop caring about what you can’t change.
  2. Content: watch Jayne. Honestly advice I’d give anyone. He’ll knock the idea that Bronze and pro play are similar REAL fast.
  3. Playstyle: play like a Silver. Think like a Silver. A Silver DPS wouldn’t be afraid of dueling a Bronze, a Silver Mercy wouldn’t die, a Silver tank would have blocked that shatter
  4. Simple things. Why did I die there? Could I have hit that shot?
    Min-max everywhere. Spam spawn doors, and do every little thing. A game is only lost when defeat shows up on-screen.
    And don’t loose hope. Silver gets slightly better, and on PC theres tons of people in LFG.

i was in silver for awhile, due to how the placement system used to put you a few hundred sr lower than you were in the prev season, i ended up in bronze. climbed out (yes got a little lucky with good teammates) and now im in mid gold.

You think youre better than you actually are. Just get better at the game and youll rank up. The enemy team isnt anymore coordinated than yours is.

I could look like the number one widow sniping in bronze… anyway, If you think there isnt much of an individual skill gap between bronze and GM, then you deserve your rank.

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You should be focusing on getting good with a small number of heroes. Playing too many, and you never have a chance to get good at any of them. I wrote a longer guide at Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide

Just no.

20 characters.


give one-tricking a shot and as long as you don’t one trick a damage hero, ppl won’t complain if u decided to say, like onetrick a offheal like lucio instead of zen/brig.

Post a vod on here and forum guys will review it and tell you how bad you are (And they’ll be right). Helped me to improve.
(I’m back down in silver, but can’t be arsed with comp lately. Maybe I’ll try to get back to gold next season).

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