How do I deal with Genji smurfs?

Torb (20 characters)

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Hack every last one of them

Sym could work, if enemy team got barriers you can charge up your damage. Torb can also work, your turret will waste genji’s time, place it near your supports, so it will make genji harder to dive. You can also try pharah, if your support play mercy, they can fly to you when genji dive her.

play monkey lol ez win

The smurfs are a massive issue but they will never do a damn thing, because on PC you have to buy a new copy of OW every time, so why kill income. Sad that the once for gamers Blizzard is controlled by the finance exec’s now.

if you land the flash close enough but also far away enough from genji you can still stun him if he’s using deflect but it does take practice to be able to gauge the right place on the spot. It does help if he’s jumping and you have the angle to throw it under him.

I’m playing team deathmatch. :slight_smile:

I am literally trying to imagine a Genji smurf that can’t be shut down easily, and I am failing hard.

OK but seriously. What is the Genji doing to you? Think it through.

low rank genji here, most of us arent smurfs we just see openings. The thing with genji is he isnt great until he starts getting dash resets so if you can keep a genji from building blade quickly or forcing out his dash he becomes much less of a problem. Sombra is very annoying as she can deny genjis dash and one hack can shut down an entire nano blade. Pharah only works if the genji is great at aiming. Mei only works if you can get close to genji which can be difficult as he has great movement. Sym is annoying but doesnt affect genji much. Torb is very good as you can make genji waste time on getting rid of a turret which gives you time to reposition and focus genji down. Just rember that every player has their weakness so do your best to find genjis and exploit it.

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