How do Armor and shields work specifically?

I guess I understand shields. They’re health that eventually regenerates over time on its own. How long until it regenerates? If an ally heals you, does it heal health or shields first? Does Sombra’s hack still damage or destroy shields (as in health) and barriers (like Rein’s or Sigma’s)?

And about Armor, I heard it was changed from the first game but don’t really know what its effect is, and if it’s better against weaker attacks or stronger attacks. In the first game they said it was -5 which made it really strong against weak attacks (like Winston) but not much difference against high damage instances. I heard it’s reversed now but don’t really understand exactly what it does

Idk the exacts but they are like a soft damage decrease,_Armor,_and_Shield


Shields: After avoiding damage for 3 seconds, they regenerate at a rate of 30 shields per second.

Armor: Reduces damage received by 30%.


Much appreciate this response. Thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

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overhealth: has a limited time duration and only gives 50% ult charge

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It’s no problem at all!

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