How Did We Ruin Every Game Mode…?

How did the dev team manage to ruin every single game mode in OW, including Michief and Magic injuring Genji just for meleeing…?

Minimum 1 is terrible now. Strictly 3 tanks and nothing else. 5v5 is, and has always been, terrible. Michief and Magic ruined.

There’s no reason to play this game again for me until Moth Meta where at least the game will feel fun again, minus Mercy about to be extremely annoying.


Genji is the seeker right? Kiriko the hider?

In prop hunt modes over in the games they came from, seekers take damage when they attack, that way they can’t just check everything willynilly. I don’t know how it works here exactly, but Genji taking damage for meleeing sounds right to me.

Also people want more tanks but don’t want too many, I’ll always find it funny. Only two tanks is acceptable! Grargh!


I don’t mind 3 tanks. I DO mind when they have their OW2 changes and are insanely OP, so 3 tanks is a no brainer. They do everything better than DPS. If they actually nerfed tanks for this mode back to OW1 level, it probably would’ve been a fun mode. But alas, Blizzard is a lost company these days.

Also, Genji was never super strong in the original Mischief and Magic, so Idk why they felt the need to make that change.

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It used to be that the healing passive would kick in iirc. It no longer does. When he did get healed it was just broken since you spam hit everything no surprises there lol.

It’s also not a change that matters? It affects both teams equally and makes genji less spammy. It just makes for a better game.


Idk. My experience with mischief and magic was everyone doing nothing, waiting for the voice lines, then killing them.

every game was max length. The only thing that kept coming to mind was:

what do people even see in this mode? Mama, this is garbage.

Stacking tanks is pretty much always a no brainer because even in their weaker OW1 states, they still put out considerable damage while having ridiculous bulk. It’s always the inevitable outcome unless you make them walls instead of tanks, which can lead to even less fun situations than tank stacking.

Either that or make the damage characters crazy busted so that they outpace the tank’s health. Otherwise tanks are just the best characters. Being a glass cannon is only the better option if you’re more cannon than glass.

So yeah anyway, the only reason tank stacking wasn’t as prevelant earlier on in OW1(though was still the meta in season 3), it’s largely because people just didn’t like playing the tanks. Tanks are more fun to play individually now, so people pick them up more often and especially so since that fun comes from power.

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It affects both teams equally? Are both teams hiding and seeking? I suppose I should play the mode and find out at some point

You take turns hiding and seeking yeah. Teams swap sides after 2 minutes or all the hiding kirikos are found.

Oh okay, it’s turns.

So it doesn’t necessarily affect the teams equally, not in the short term anyways. But it does do the positive of making the Genji players have to think more about what they’re doing.

Right. When I say it affects them equally I just meant that because both teams play as genji it’s kind of a net neutral, though it makes it so when you play the genji role it’s a bit harder

Which is a good thing because the way you win is you go a round where not all the hiders are found. If all the kiriko get found every round the match just keeps going because the score is essentially a tie.

They basically made it easier to break tie by making hiding a bit better.

Either way, it’s a net positive for the game mode. I’m pretty sure the original incarnation of the mode had no penalty for hitting things, the second time it came around there was a penalty but it had s9 changes and health Regen, and now they have the penalty but no Regen. Dash has no penalty but it’s on a CD so you can’t spam it.

I could be wrong on this since it’s a meme mode and I never played it more than 10-20 matches when it’s come around


This is definitively bad for learning a map. The objects are not in their default position and also partially random. You can barely learn if you’re supposed to know already. So you have to wait for the voice lines.

I would rather allow spamming or many more attacks, have a slightly bigger map (it’s smaller now?) and reduce the voice lines if needed for balance. Maybe reward stunning a Genji more. It balances bravery / cowardice.

Multiple Kirikos killing a Genji with melee was also funny but maybe too broken.

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Genji taking damage when he melees has always been a thing in that game mode. It wasn’t a new change.

As if that wasn’t what was obviously going to happen. Max 2-4-3 would be a better way to go. If they balance tanks so that 3 are not OP then 2 and 1 will be UP. It’s way easier to balance around 1 or 2 tanks than 3.

i always found Michief and Magic boring af, i really dont see why you people were beging for this mode, but ok i could give it a try, anyway making genji get damage for searching the stupid kiriko made me completely ignore this crap mode

lie, in call of duty you have unlimited ammo, because maps are more open than overwatch straight lines is harder to find the hiders, because this hunt mode is stupid and have no reason to be in ow they had to nerf hard, you need it to find people

They actually believe people play them when they are deliberately overpowered. Than they forget no one cares if you are top 500 on tank anyway. Queue times are ridiculous with 1 tank and all the extra algo junk they put in there instead of just ping+rank.

I’m talking more Garry’s Mod and TF2

Because the point of the game is to be a scam that sells slop. You’re supposed to get mad and seek dopamine elsewhere(ideally through the shop by wasting $20+ on slop skins).