How devs can think Sigma is balanced?

The devs have actually talked in earlier OW2 about how players slept on Sigma. They’re aware he’s good, and they’ve been aware he’s good for yonks. All it really takes is to eyeball the t500 leaderboards in pretty much any given season to know that Sigma’s strong.

But… most people don’t really seem to care, probably because there can be options to deal with Sigma. Winston is a nightmare for the poor guy. All he has is boulder to keep the likes of Rein, Zarya and Ram off him; if they can get in, they can pummel the seven shades of snot out of Sigma. In the DPS roster you have beam characters and flankers who can simply get around him and mulch his backline. Supports have characters that can enable a rush/dive or offer good barrier break themselves.

I say “can be options” because all of that goes out of the window when you see this:

But that’s not Sigma’s fault. Sight lines becoming longer, longer, longer still over the years is a problem going back to post-launch maps since OW1. And Sigma makes tanking in these hellholes more bearable. Who else are you going to pick to stop your team exploding when red team’s Widow comes a-knockin’?

Sorry not sorry, I still think sigma is one of the best designed tank for 5v5. If he is hard to kill or is too annoying, we should be nerfing DPS or supports who gets enabled by sigma instead. Or just nerf the maps that makes sigma a must pick.

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Isn’t that what every tank player has been asking for since OW2 launched? And now we want him gone too?

He’s one of the few tanks that is actually enjoyable to play because he follows a cycle for his abilities (kind of like Doomfist). You mess up the cycle, you die.

He was too strong in 6v6 because of the amount of HP him and his shield had, making it near impossible to break through with the addition of a second tank to let him recharge. That doesn’t exist in 5v5 so he has downtime if you play your hand right.

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