How could removing 2cp conceivably work?

What would they do with the 2cp maps?

Probalby just rework them into arcade maps.

Stole this from another thread

That makes me sad, volskaya is legitimately one of my favorite maps and I really like anubis. Paris and lunar colony could be remove sooner, like right now.


sunk costs fallacy. no point keeping something bad just because you invested in it. cut your losses and move on.

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I guess they’ll just be used in PvE and arcade.

Except 2cp isn’t bad just because a vocal minority whines about it a lot


They might keep them in OW1 but remove them in OW2.

Oh, but they are, sadly. I guess THIS is why they never rushed to bring them back.

The same thing theyve done with paris and lunar colony…banished to the shadowrealm(outside como)

If it was a minority they wouldnt tease about it bit existing😂

It is a minority though. Just because they acknowledged it doesn’t make it not a minority…


You dont ynderatand…if everyone loved 2cp…they wouldnt stop…they knew saying no 2cp would of gotten a reaction lol they wouldnt of said somthing dumb like" no payload" ppl would be upset thats the difference you can like 2cp but i think they know how the overall community feels.

Paris and HLC are better designed than Anubis or Hanamura, by far. The opening gambit on Paris is bad, but the second point has a whole bunch of ways to attack it.

Both Paris and HLC are offense oriented maps (believe it or not), but people are bad at committing a push and taking decisive action, so they fizzle out playing catch with Junkrat at a chokepoint or trying to attack all four flank routes at once.

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The maps could just be reworked for a new game mode, and may look slightly different. I doubt they’re just going to completely scrap them.


Well you can do allot and you can pull them out for now rework the gamemode update the maps to accommodate and release the fresh new 2cp
Paris was updated in the behind the scenes look so we know something is happening

Who know, who cares. Apart from being visually some of the best maps in the game, I couldn’t care less about them. Hopefully they rework them to be payload maps or hybrids so the visuals aren’t wasted. But the day I don’t wait 10 minutes in a queue and hear “traveling to Hanamura” or “Traveling to Volskaya Industries” is the day I will come back to comp.

I am glad they aren’t going away completely. I may be in the minority here, but I like 2CP maps (for the most part) or at least, I like them as much as I like KOTH maps. I am just sick of the same maps day after day. I will have to wait until OW2 or poot around Kanezaka or whatever for some fresh locations.

Gosh no jeff hanamura is the only map sombra has parkour on


okay besides the point but is that an irish pagchomp emote?