How could Blizzard win back their player/fan base?

  1. Announce an Overwatch expansion that focuses on PVE / Story
  2. Streamline feedback, at the moment they have a few devs what they NEED are a few dedicated employees who have direct access to what blizzard is prepared to communicate fielding the forums replying every day.
  3. Implement matchmaking that doesn’t favor que times in QP / Arcade modes and create matches that are more fair.

Non OW related steps.

  1. Let WoW end on a high note instead of creating forced conflict and ruining previously beloved characters.
  2. Stick to pleasing the PC / Console Fanbase for your products (I’m looking at you diablo) I don’t “begrudge” them a quick /dirty cash grab of a mobile app but don’t fill your stadium with people who spent money and traveled hundreds of miles hoping for a new game on PC / Console and then get surprised when they don’t like your pg 13 mobile game being the “big reveal” of your trade show.
  3. For hearthstone Play test your solo modes a bit more, That rumble mode was impossible to beat without going to the forums and looking up what would work. (less RNG pls) Same issue you had with the puzzles mode.
  4. CROSSPLAY I get you don’t have 100% control over this especially with sony’s reluctance but push for it. (maybe not with overwatch unless via invite) but push for it.
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Actually listen to their playerbase and admit that they are wrong about the game’s state. Considering their ego doesn’t get them in the way of it.


break with activision and get back to making games with your fanbase instead of ignoring everything and make content to atrackt new players to buy the game , its been downhill since the merge


Not gonna lie. This is exactly how I feel. I used to love overwatch to bits. Played with friends of a daily basis. My friends quit playing now due to frustration and I can’t play a single match ( win or lose ) without feeling utterly drained.

Honestly? taking a step back, and fixing themselves first, stand on your own feet, before trying to stand on the shoulders of others

I won’t suggest anything for Competitive because I have yet to play it due to my internet being best described as barely stable. And I don’t want to tank my SR and weigh down teammates or leave them in a 5v6 situation just because my ISP can’t get their crap together. And before anyone suggests “just get a new ISP” they’re the only one available to me and it’s not just me that’s having issues lots of their customers are unhappy.

Anyway carrying on my list would be.

  • Game editor - this is #1 on my list it will give custom games all the same ways to edit heroes and their abilities/ultimates that the devs can. And I want them to include all the abilities removed from the game in the editor starting as far back as Bastion’s frontal barrier.

  • Increased hero release - I would love to see as many as 6-8 heroes released every year until there’s like 20+ heroes for each class. Because at their current rate of release it will be years until the Tanks and Supports catch up to DPS in numbers.

  • Unranked mode - While I don’t play comp I would love to play a game with teammates actually trying to win. The Quick Play experience can best be described as a flaming mess.

  • permanent PvE mode(s) - It doesn’t even need to be an event or lore based.

  • Clan/Guild system - Would be nice to find a group of players I can play with.

  • Map editor - Coming from Team Fortress 2 I know that if you give the players the tools to create content they will often make things better and faster then the devs can.

  • UI color sliders - For people without color blindness it would be nice to have the option of custom HUD colors outside color blind settings.

  • Color sliders for skins or at least color palette options - There’s so many skins I like but don’t use because I don’t like the color schemes. At least give us the option to choose colors for ourselves outside of OWL skins which are just default skin recolors.

  • Better and more frequent balance updates - Maybe consider taking some people off the balance team since there’s been some highly questionable changes made.

  • USE THE PTR - I’ve seen so many bugs go through to live that have been reported on the PTR bug reports. I would question if anyone besides the players is using the PTR bug reports forum but I do see devs in there but only when there’s new maps. There’s also the PTR feedback which I wonder why it even exists when 99.9% of the things on PTR just get pushed to live regardless if players strongly dislike it or not.

  • Communicate with the community and stop hiding - And no going on streams and answering soft ball questions doesn’t count. The same goes for the forum

I also remember months ago someone asking what kind of socks Torbjorn wears or something of equally less importance. (can’t remember the exact question and don’t feel like searching for it) Which actually got a dev response. :roll_eyes:

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head for right now.

This could also be easily done in custom modes so they would have to release an entirely new server for it. I would pretty much strictly play arcade if they brought in old iterations of heroes.

Yeah I think the problem is at it’s core Overwatch is a very simplistic and casual game.

Right away it was so fun because everything was so novel. However, overtime you realize just how shallow and limiting a lot of the mechanics and gameplay really is.

So maybe even if they added tons of content it would have failed regardless? I don’t know it is hard to say, but they dropped the ball big time either way.

I’d love an Overwatch if they released

  • an RPG on mobile that gave us a lot of lore and more about main characters, the world, and even side characters and organizations like Lumerico.
  • the Archive campaigns such as Retribution, Junkenstein, Uprising, and new campaigns focused on other characters groups as campaigns that we can purchase as expansion packs so they are open all year and also use to importable features in custom games.

Literally all they have to do is talk with us.

That’s us. Find out about the unrest in this community, and act on it through balance patches and game design.

Shut down OWL. Full stop. Pull the plug. Focus on developing and balancing the actual game. Updates a bit more often, more communication from Devs.

And stop reworking heroes! It never works!!

This game got my attention because of Tracer. Tracer is the only reason why I played this game. Tracer is the only reason why I come back to play a few comp match’s every now and then.

Overwatch brought back faith in pc gaming for me. The game had a great 3 year run. The game now is just not as fun anymore. Due to the addition of Brig,armor, and more cc I put this game aside for a much better game(s) that took its place: Apex Legends (PC), Smash Bro’s Ultimate (Switch).

The damage has been done and since dev’s usually do not delete certain heroes in their games im afraid Overwatch to me is a casual 1 or 2 time a month game I play. I dont wish it to crash and burn but I hope this game goes out with a bang. And I hope the people that still play are having fun.

Fixing the issues old Overwatch players have with certain heroes would defenetly help. Soldier mains can just switch to Fortnite, Apex or Paladins. Other heroes arent in these games. Heroes like:

  • Symmetra
  • Mercy
  • Bastion
  • ectr.

These are heroes Blizzard reworked FOR Genji/Soldier/ectr. mains. If they wouldve kept the concept for these heroes they could have a lot more players now. The reason I always prefered Overwatch over Paladins ectr. despite the Hero switch system is the fact it had so many diffrent and unique heroes. It had fun gimmicks and not just aim duels. It could have aim duels with Widowmaker and other aim heroes, but there were the others that played unique and with strategy. Some examples:

  • 1 D.Va’s 4 second DM: She wasnt as protective as other tanks but had incredible denial potential and getting good with her was mostly prediction and reaction. Using DM in the right scenario was everything. Now its just run in and spam missiles.
  • 2 Bastion the glass canon: It was about hiding in a key position and if the opponent didnt realize it, Bastion would wreck them within a second. Little Spread and Headshots allowed Bastion to destory everyone without time to react. Therefor, getting him unaware would be his death. Now he is just a turret behind a barrier.
  • 3 Hanzo’s Scatter arrow: A controversial ability with a lot of hate, but Hanzo was totally unique as a sniper that punishes all who dare to dive him. Storm arrow is just a barrier smasher.
  • 4 Mercy’s Mass Rez: Hide and Seek with a high risk and a high reward. Playing Mercy gave you a lot of thrill and you needed lots of awareness and comunication. It was also a mind battle for the opponent: Ult yes or no? Now Mercy is just a heal-bot.
  • 5 Roadhog’s Hook-combo: With his one-shot, Roadhog was actually a tank. He could denial areas and flanks because he could hard-punish opponents. Therefor, he had to move carefully. He could die rather easy without mid-fight-self-sustain and he could really feed Ult charge. Finding the right spot and moment to heal was key and hitting a hook was devastating.

Now the part that RUINED my Overwatch:

  • 6 Symmetra: I didnt love her because she had lock-on. I loved her because she was so unique and asked for strategy and good judgement on every situration. I made it to masters with her and I fel to gold after she was ruined. I lost Bastion as a main in Season 4 and D.Va in Season 6. But in Season 9, I was glad this happend. Symmetra was the best part of my gaming history and the best game design I’ve ever seen. She wasnt perfect, but she was FUN. Those who played her had fun, her opponents could counter her and her teammates couldnt complain, she had 60% winrate after all because her SR gain was screwed. Yes, Sym mains wanted a major change, but in a positive way. QoL for Shield Gen and Turrets and improvements to the barrier. But instead, Blizzard made those happy that COMPLAIN A LOT. Those who were to stupid or unwilling to counter her. Those who wanted to FORCE her as support, rather than tank or DPS. She was reworked to make those happy who now left because other games have no heroes like Sym and Mercy. The other left because their beloved and unique hero was ruined.

To sumarize this wall of text: Blizzard should’ve kept the unique Overwatch rather than trying to copy something. If they wouldve kept the unique parts, the players who liked the unique stuff would still be with Overwatch. And I belive Overwatch is ruined. Because every unique hero was turned into another Soldier or Genji. The way to save Overwatch is bringing back the unique heroes. Bring back Old Sym, Old Hook and Mass Rez. And all the other stuff.

by doing their job once in their life ? Oh wait, no need, the game will get a really small buff with this OWL crap and they will get away with it because only stats matter

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Delete Activision… Boom… Everything is fixed.

There gonna do it once they realize how pointless Brig has become with the… 9 nerfs in a row?

They need to find ways to reconnect with the player base. They should check out Twitch, Reddit, and even these terrible forums for advice and to see what they are doing wrong. For example Overwatch is receiving tons of complaints about being more like rock-paper-scissors than a FPS/MOBA, and they need to stop chucking in heroes/balance changes to specifically change the meta (cough cough Brig cough tanks nerfs). WoW needs to rework the azerite trait gambling system. I can’t speak for the other games as I don’t play them.

Im just checking in on you

More cyborg Ninja heroes…at least…THREE more. :joy:

full-fledged pve and Mech support.