How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 19)

A player’s skill rating is not an indication of their level of knowledge about the technical behind the scenes workings of a video game.

I mean, you don’t have to be a game developer to be good at the game, and you don’t have to be good at the game to be a game developer.

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I’m 1800sr, I can’t believe I’m far worse than the average player. I have good computer and good job, and I stink at Overwatch.

I just don’t understand :frowning:


What don’t you understand?
There’s no correlation there, people have different talents.
Some people simply have a talent for video games.

I have a friend who has always been good at video games, and it doesn’t matter what game it is. I can play a game for 2 years, and then introduce him to that game, and he would become better than me at the game in like a week, even though he is completely new to it.

It’s like a natural thing, he was always good at WoW, always had a very high rating in the arena, he was great at League of Legends, he was global elite in CSGO, and now he is kicking butt in Apex Legends.

But real life stuff like keeping a job? Not so much.

I’d like to be able to watch replays of games that are about 300sr above me. That way, I can see the techniques used by people that a little better than me.

Try posting a vid for review.

I know exactly why I’m low gold: I sometimes auto pilot, my selection of heroes I’m good on is small, my reflexes suck, my aim is really bad and I don’t press tab enough.

I’ve loads of bad habits to overcome mechanics wise.

On the plus side I’m pretty good at staying alive, with circa 5 deaths per 10 mins, and I don’t generally throw by feeding my brains out.

So on 70% win rate with my main toon in support.

Hence I’m starting to do death match each session to sharpen up my dueling skills. Get to play Vs high plats/ diamonds, which is nice.

If nothing else shows me how far I can improve.

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I’m not interested in actively trying to increase my SR. Not unless I have a team of 8-10 people I play with every Thursday night like a bowling league *clears throat QoL for the LFG

What I am saying is that I can’t believe that I’m far worse than the average player. I accept that fact and own up to my own SR. It just seems counter intuitive to me.

I’ve been playing since season 7, and I always thought and still do think “I’ve got to be just a little bit better than average at Overwatch.”

But the SR tells a different story lol

What’s that Dodd-Frank bias thing, why people don’t improve. I suffer from that big time. The kicker is that, I’m not interested in getting better. I think I should just be better lol

oh well, overwatch is fun :slight_smile:

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Like Gazzor said, post a vod or two so we can take a look at maybe provide some advice.
I’m only high plat but there are plenty of high ranked people in this forum who are more than willing to help.
But you have to be open to suggestions and have a real desire to actually change and improve.

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thanks, but like I told Gazzor, I’m not interested in actively trying to improve my SR. I’d rather spend time playing Overwatch than learning how to play.

I had Xion give me a few pointers on my Soldier76 play.

I don’t want to wear my SR neglect like a banner or a badge of pride or something. Just telling some stories here on the forums.

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Fair enough.

Sad fact is that matches tend to suck in silver and below.

Reason I’m giving up tanking. Just too stressful having crap games and not good enough on Zarya or Hog to carry them.

matches suck in silver because I’m there lol

I’m confident that if a 2700sr person started playing in the 1800 bracket, he’d have no trouble climbing back to 2700 :slight_smile:

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This is the reason that you are below average. The average competitive player actually looks for ways to improve and tries new things to increase their rank.


I’d guess that around 30% of the people better than me, are just naturally better. And they hardly ever play Overwatch any way.

Not in terms of mechanics, I mean in terms of teamwork and commitment.

Silver has far more salty leavers than gold, and far more idiotic feeding.

Really lowers game quality.

I don’t feed. So I must be lacking in some other skill that the feeders have. Because we’re in the same SR bracket after all. Maybe they aim well, but always feed. And I aim poorly and never feed. That’s why we’re both in the same SR bracket.

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They can likely frag out really well.

Most likely enemy team has feeders as well, so balances out.

But not a great way to win or lose imo.

Not sure if the profile pages are still wonky, but your Bastion statistics page says you average 6.57 deaths per 10 minutes when you play Bastion (your go-to DPS and the role that’s closest to the 1800 you keep mentioning - Tank and Support are both low gold).

If that’s anywhere near accurate, that’s definitely feeding. Maybe you don’t know what feeding means? It means that you’re feeding the enemy team ultimate charge - either by dying nonstop (e.g. 6.57 / 10 minutes) or by doing trash damage that the enemy supports heal up and gain ultimate charge from.

i get more than 3 kills per death as Bastion, and that’s all any sane person could ask of their DPS.

unless it’s Mei or something and there’s ways to score assists with her freeze

If that’s the only participation award you’re willing to aim for, more power to you. I was just responding to your claim that you don’t feed. From the looks of it, you’re a 4-course dinner for the enemy team. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

a hero that doesn’t move is able to feed :+1:

I die a lot because I’m a priority. We should play a game of Quick Play together.

Huh? Feeding isn’t a good thing. I’m not sure that’s what you’re trying to convey with “able to”?

You die a lot because you brag about your poor game sense and as a result you’re an easy target for the enemy team. A snack.

Nah, I’d rather play with people who want to win.