How come console players aren't treated with the same respect as PC players?

Blizzard has less control over console platforms.


Blizzard has also made more then enough money to invest in there entire player base not just one facet of it! I have not heard of any talks about ptr on console since 2017, no one has ever said a word of why Pc players have a chance at the league but not us console players? What makes muma’s Winston better then a top 500 Winston on console, or a rein on console less skilled then Super or anyone else for that matter?

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PTR on console is difficult to get, Patches on console take a lot of time to get approuved by Sony and Microsoft (supposedly) and the whole purpose of PTR is to make changes and find bugs. I tried finding out why the patch process takes a long time but litteraly everything is dated to 2 or 3 years ago and doesn’t make much sense.
Anyway, I agree we are treated like a second class players, but it’s mostly because most of the playerbase that “supports” blizzard (financially) is on PC.
Console players can create a lot of accounts with one copy of OW (Smurfing problem occurs) while PC players have to pay for the game each time they make an account. Just an example.


You got a console port of a PC game man. I don’t know what to say


PC has a better control system. It doesn’t matter if you like a controller more, everything is just easier to reach and a mouse is not nearly as limited in movement as a controller. That does not mean controllers are more difficult, just worse. A top 500 anything on a M+KB has fewer restrictions but that comes with requiring good mechanics down. A controller has more restrictions and as such is limited in how good you can be with it.


Jeff Kaplan explains why here…

Overwatch League is the premier esports league of Overwatch and the PC platform is the most optimized way to play Overwatch. Those interested in climbing the path to pro will transition to the PC platform. PCs are easily customizable too. In fact, Overwatch League itself is a custom Local Area Network setup where each player’s PC is part of a greater server infrastructure (in otherwords their PC isn’t even in the same room they play in).

This may sound cruel, but its like trying to bring a street-legal Honda Civic to a NASCAR race. PC is a far better way to play Overwatch and the BattleNet platform is Blizzard’s platform so it is easy to execute events on PC.

There are third-party console tournaments including the Console Gaming League:

Gotta switch to PC if you want to make a living in a professional esport. It can’t just be given to you.

I will say Consoles are great for the casual gamer, there are console exclusive esports of course like Smash, Call of Duty, and Street Fighter, but those games are designed primary for Console, Overwatch is primarily designed for PC, but gives the opportunity for console players to enjoy the game. Every single in-game item can be earned on console, consoles get the same seasonal events and benefits as the overall PC community. While PC is preferred for esports for very good reasons. Consoles are a great no-hassle option for anyone who are not focused on building a Esports career.


If blizzard actually had support for the console base in any shape or form changes can happen, they have the money to purchase there own server with Sony/Microsoft, its 2019 it’s pretty easy to spot a bronze border smurf or alt account especially if you have stat knowledge and a basic understanding for the game, our opportunities are limited to none, our gaming experience comes second if not completely last to mouse and keyboard, we’ve put just as much money in blizzards hands as the PC community what we deal with is called gaming inequality and it’s gotten to a point where those who truly love this game realize it doesn’t have any love for us at all!

because console is a pure joke? i mean seriously, you are lucky to even have overwatch on console. now you want your own tournaments to see who has the best aim assist? LMAO

look at league, csgo, dota, etc. these games dont even have console. and if they did, i sure bet the players would be grateful and wouldn’t be asking for their own tournaments.


Logistically easier.

Higher level of competition on PC.


It’s a restricting platform. Always has been.

Pc is just much easier for them to work with and get accurate data from


Well they want PTR on Console, but really can’t since they have sudden changes on there which can’t be done with Console.

Even the highest of skilled Console players would probably get destroyed by top PC players. However COD might change this since crossplay is now a thing in COD.

pfftt I beg to differ.

they take from the top pool in OW, which has never been hard reset to see if they can back there.

That isn’t showing the best, its just showing that they are awarded the same rank after placements, no need to work for it, just get given it.

Either this is bait or you have 0% of an idea as to how any of this works at all

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I will tell u why
They dont even support console

I had a ticket 2 wks ago
And that guy at blizzard said in these words

“We dont support console”

I saved the screenshot but cant post links here

So any other idea or question is prob gonna go into the trashcan as well…

Its sad tho…

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PC playerbase is larger (especially globally, nobody plays consoles in Korea or China except Nintendo systems). Often times there is literally just not enough interested people for console events, it’s been attempted.

there’s no tournaments to showcase our skill or game knowledge

A handful of XBOX players won or almost won the Open Division a while ago. They played on PCs but a few of them used controllers, at least for movement.

anything lower than Open Division, Blizzard isn’t really involved with at all. They just make sure these smaller tournaments don’t stream at the same time as OWL or Contenders.

If you insist on such a tournament forcing use of controllers, you’ll lose like 90% of the console T500 and even if it happens after that, you’ll get a bunch of people laughing at clunky console aim. Controllers aren’t used at pro level because even the best controller aimers get dunked on by good but not godlike MKB.

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Uh. Why would they do a hard reset for competitions? If they’re able to compete and perform at an acceptable standard, they are clearly good enough. If they don’t, they get dropped.

Are you talking about ranked now? You know SR can go down right?

You seem to know a lot of how things work. Maybe you should try applying for a job at Blizzard with the OW team and teach them how things work.

Here, I’ll even give you the direct link. They have several engineering openings. Good luck on your application! Let us know how things go.,overwatch-league/all/all/1


A console is just an embedded pc. People need to stop treating console and pc as two completely different things. I mean the next xbox has ryzen cpus. Go figure.

I still don’t understand why you would let people have 20+ accounts on one overwatch purchase on a console. It doesnt make any sense having 20 accounts off of one purchase.


no offense but you think paying more for a console running old spec hardware is a good idea.
you can build a better spec pc for less, only upgrade parts as you need and games are much cheaper.
literally the only skill you need to build a pc is the ability to plug things into other things and watch a youtube video.
you can even use a controller with pc and run emulators to play nearly every console game ever made.

consoles exist purely for casual convenience which is why they get the rep they do.


Without crossplay there is no way for console players to prove themselves as good or better than PC players.

Playing with KBM also has many advantages over a controler because it’s not restricted like controlers and thus opens up for more possibilities.

Console not having PTR is simply due to how Blizz would need to have every update to console approved which can take up to 2 weeks.