How come Console doesn't get much respect?

What I’m saying is that it’s strictly Blizzard’s choice to decide what is and isn’t allowed in their game. Sony doesn’t interfere in this regards, even WITH things like Hori Tac Pro allowing the use of M&K. Meaning they can flat out say that M&K on Consoles is against the rules if they want to.

They could, but it comes down to, how do they know? How can they tell? There is no way to enforce this. Because this goes on now, so obviously you can use the KBM on a PS4 to play Overwatch, which is what this is all about. Yea, Sony doesn’t care. Its been said before. And its been said before that Blizzard doesn’t “approve” of KBM on the console. But these adapters are work arounds of the developers. And Blizzard has said, its not a bannable offense. So they know we are doing it, but don’t care to stop us, or they just can’t tell and either way its not illegal. As long as its not illegal, I will do it.