How can the devs say Power Creep isn’t a problem

At last years BlizzCon Jeff Kaplan stated that he does not think power creep is a problem in Overwatch. Then how can you explain how all the burst damage heroes that also have insane mobility are getting picked and not the lower damage dealing heroes.

Winston: does not do enough damage to compete with other tanks and a weak barrier makes him an ez target for all the too powerful heroes

Zenyatta: does not do enough healing to keep up with all the damage. He doesn’t need QOL changes. He needs a rework

Bastion: too immobile and other heroes can put out just as much damage

Sombra: not enough damage. Yeah hack is good till the other 5 players turn to you and destroy you

Symmetra: not enough burst damage and too little health for how weak her kit is

Mercy: too 1 dimensional. Only being able to heal one hero at a time isn’t gonna cut it anymore


The ONLY thing I can give him, is that was before the nerfs to Moira and Baptiste’s AoE healing, as well as all the tweaks to tanks, so it leveled out the DPS

Now that they’re toned down, and DPS have still had plenty of buffs, it’s becoming WAY more noticeable


Because they don’t play their own game. They’re only concerned with making OWL exciting to watch.

Damn the actual players whose favorite heroes have been gutted over and over, and a Reinhardt dies before he can do anything.


Being great racing driver doesn’t mean you can build a sport car from scratch.

Sorry making statement that they don’t play game and it being reason for bad balancing is laughable.

You misquote. He says that he does not think it is a problem, not that it doesn’t exist. Jeff Kaplan wants all heroes to be OP in their own way. He’s said that multiple times IIRC.

what do you expect from “uncle jeff”, he even said launch brigette was fine, when she singlehandly countered evey freaking hero and pushed many ppls from low mmr into high mmr


I don’t have anything to say about the topic, but reading the first part of your post made me realize something.

Why do the heroes with the most mobility also do the most damage? That’s such a weird design.


I think that the best way to see the powercreep is look tracer and soldier. They are better than older seasons when they were op.

Um… you literally just said what I said. That he thinks it is a problem. Thank you for repeating me

No, he knows it exists. He doesn’t think it is a problem. You take what he says and twist it to mean something else. He recognizes power creep, but doesn’t think it is that big of an issue. He wants everyone to be power crept (within reason)

I literally said “Jeff Kaplan does not think power creep is a problem in Overwatch.” I never said he didn’t recognize it. I didn’t twist anyone’s words. The post here was to say that it is actually a problem. Not sure where you got this “twisting words” or anything.


Nobody else can output 450dps with bodyshots only

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Because the global ult nerfs brought it back down.

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While I think it’s a bit exaggerated to say they don’t play the game, the fact is we entered 2-2-2 with the expectation of a massive sweeping tank balance patch that would make off-tanks as strong as main-tanks in order to not break the game, instead we ended up with nothing and a double barrier meta for months as we realized they literally weren’t playing the same game but playing 1-2-3 instead.

I don’t want to discourage bold thinking like they had with 1-2-3, but it’s a fact that they were not playing the same game as us and not suffering as we were and therefore did not see the urgency we felt for the need to save the tank role as it was on live. 1-2-3 was fun, but not the direction needed. Of course, if they can’t or won’t make off-tanks the same as main-tanks in 2-2-2 then I would would rather rip the bandaid off and go 1-2-3, but I think they should have first been experimenting 2-2-2 with STRONG offtanks as strong as season 3 (now that they can’t replace DPS) first. It sometimes feels like they overengineer their solutions, and this as well as hero bans felt like this. All we needed was more frequent balance and buffed offtanks, instead we got nerfhammers to maintanks which made them take over the offtank role.

To quote Josh Noh:

Whether this is accurate/correct is not my place to determine. Just showing you the logic they’re going by when they say it’s not a problem.

Calmly waits for what makes these heroes busted:

Symmetra (if you say TP, I got news)

Damage output

Rez and Damage boost




Precise dives? IDK why anyone would play Winston right now.

Is the news that it doesn’t actually teleport people? I agree that she’s weak but TP is a strong ability.

Whether or not power creep exists is subjective.
That’s how it is on the Overwatch team, some of them think it’s a problem, others don’t.