How can I 1v1 bots?

So I wanted to try a few things and commit them to memory before I try it out in matches and I figured going against bots on progressive difficulty would be the way to go, but I can’t seem to get the bots to join in the match in custom games they simply don’t spawn. Is there something I’m missing here or does anyone have a custom workshop code that would make this possible?

What game mode are you trying to run? Bots can only generate in the main objective based games modes (Escort, Control, Assault, Hybrid), but will not load in non-objective game modes like Deathmatch, Mystery Duel, or Elimination.

Use my Bots for this: Custom Legendary Bots V10 (300 Rules!)- Final Patch Notes + TRAILER They work on FFA, TDM, CTF and Control. The Blizzard Bots are Shiit.

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Tbh, if you are trying to improve your gamesense, dont play against bots, that behave very differently than real players. But if are just trying to improve aim, you can do that with bots. You can find some FFA matches in custom games to practice against players. But quck play is still the better choice, since you will have at least some teamworks.

All I really need is a bit to run up and start shooting at me at their normal distances with good accuracy, any intelegece on top of that would be a bonus. What I want to practice does require much. Just want to find the optimal way to get the most survivability/damage while taking fire from different characters. Once I get the basics of that down I can begin to implement it into real matches. Kinda like learning combos in a fighting game, it generally helps to learn them in practice mode and get used to them before you try them out in a match against players online.

I made a practice range with bots strafing like a good player, you can choose what hero you like to practice against, it has genji, doomfist, pharah, hanzo, widow, mcree, soldier, moira, sym, and tracer that will attack you, and some other bots that wont attack you. This might help you, especially for aiming. The code is 5MAPT Just import the code to custom game, and start, you dont need to add any bots.

Cool thanks, although my focus is currently damage mitigation. I guess there’s tracer down at least.