How bad would 1-4-1 be?

Yes that is the issue.
They will have to buff both tanks and healers as well as giving a way to the dps to self heal.

With 1 tank we won’t play anything but Hammond or Orisa.

Off-supports and tanks would become worthless overnight. Without significant rebalancing (to the point where heroes would be unrecognisable) you would eliminate multiple heroes from the game. Those players would then likely pick DPS, and the whole problem occurs again.

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Quickplay should have default team-comp 1/2/3. You can live with a single tank if he knows what he is doing but you can’t play without two healers is UNPLAYable your trash game without 2 supports

I would rather stick a toothpick in my eye for entertainment.

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I would quit.

Why do dps need to be catered for? Tanks and healers do more of a job than damage

We peel, we take damage, we heal. What do damage do? Kill? Thats all

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To put it into perspective, the only time a support wouldce been maybe able to support this is moth meta Mercy.

Supports would have to be that strong

And every offtank would need to become insane

This could never happen for real

1-4-1 would be terrible for balance we have rn
You would need first balance all healers and tanks to be eqality usefull. And nerf dmg from dps, to not make solo tank and healer pointless.

Would it matter though if you’re willingly queuing into it? Like if I were given an option and I chose to do 141 instead of 222 when I queued aren’t I also saying I’m ok with it? (Just brainstorming here)

Tanks and healers would need to have double the hp, healing and damage potential

141 would be outright terrible. It’ll be.

“Hey our Widow picked off the support leaving spawn. Ez team fight win guys.”


“Wow I’m getting disintegrated here with all this damage, it’d be nice to have a second tank. Oh wait…”

This was a common comp in QP, the tank was almost always Rein. Which meant that I was almost always playing Sombra and making the opposing Rein very unhappy.

I say 2 3 2 could work but that would never happen

I like 222 so I don’t know where this is coming from.

No matter how much you enjoy it though not many people are going to continue playing the game at all when they have to wait 10-20 min to just play a round.

The toxic community also makes it a gamble with leavers and throwers. I use support but I still empathize with players who are going to wait 20 minutes to join a game and a insta-leaver forces the round to end.

Or the team loses 1 team fight resulting in a full game of 5v6 that they have to sit through.

This is a generation of insta-gratification. No one wants to sit around and wait forever for a game.

I like the idea, but nearly every hero would need to be reworked I think.

Points at every MMO in existence. Lights a cigar.

Why not make it 2-4-0? 2 of your DPS can be flankers destroying the solo support all game in easy mode.
Either 2-3-2 or 1-2-2 if 7 players are too much but even though solo tanking can be a thing, solo healing is a disaster.

2-2-2 will work, and work well when we lose enough casual DPS knobs to bring the queue times down.

I am not saying that to be mean, but if it means literally losing half the DPS players outright, we’d have a better game overall.

the way tanks and healers are designed prevents it.
You’d have to rework the entire healer and tank roster to do it, as the only tank/healer duo that can work with 4 dps is Hammond/Mercy.

Literally unplayable for tanks and healers. That’s how bad it is. 1-4-1 is NOT a “happy medium.” It’s a nightmare for anyone other than DPS.

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