How bad would 1-4-1 be?

1 tank 4 damage and 1 support

Eliminates the barrier intensity and probably makes games fast.

But I guess it can make it about bum rushing the tank and/or healer and whoever gets first pick wins a team fight.

Healers and tanks would also probably become insanely imbalanced…

I don’t know I just really like that this is like a class based shooter and theres nothing close to it on consoles to my knowledge. I want this game to last a long time.

And want to find a happy medium :pleading_face::crying_cat_face:


The tanks and supports forbid it.


Tanks and supports would all vastly need to be watered down and simultaneously mega buffed for this to work.


How was it before 222? Wasn’t that most the ranked games anyways? well the lucky ones

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ehh it could be madness tho it would then make any non shield tank instantly useless

I am pretty sure Blizzard has already vetoed it because it puts “too much pressure” on the solo roles.

I can understand that logic, but it’s unfortunate they’ve taken any variation in between 2-2-2 and 1-4-1 out of the player’s hands.

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you’ll have to buff all the supports and tanks to insane levels for this to be feasible

like 50 hps healing orb zenyatta


Can you imagine how they would need to butcher/buff roadhog to function like Orisa/Reinhardt?

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It would have been fine if they originally balanced for it when they obviously made the roster to match 141


ehh they wouldn’t I don’t think. My guess is that they’d either make Hog more powerful to make him a super powerful presence to make up for no shield

Now I’m imagining a roadhog with a 4 second hook and take a breather being like Dva DM in that he can drink for up to 4 seconds and it recharges to full in 3 seconds.

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tbh I could see it working by giving all off supports a heal buff so they can all be main healers and probably nerfs for characters like zen or lucio or buffs to mercy to make them all feasibly powerful. Tanks would only be changing Hog, DVA, and maybe winston/hammond since the others work

that’s power, I was thinking just the OG hog where you can oneshot people with combos

Honestly in a 1v4v1 I would think the roadhog vs reinhardt match up might still favor the reinhardt a lot of the time as the roadhog couldn’t block for his team.

true, though maybe a little more power to his primary fire plus the 4 dps could work

Problem is that this game has been crutching wayyyy too much on healing and shields at a basic level from day one. This automatically makes tanks and supports majorly more impactful than DPS heroes, resulting in too much pressure being put on them.

That they need 2-2-2 to even get a grasp on the balancing of their own game, kinda shows how badly designed the roles are in relation to each other for a PvP game.


Did you ever solo tank? it’s the most bs thing in OW.


It wasn’t so bad when the game launched, the only shield tank was reinhardt and Winston. Winstons shield didn’t start regenerating until after it died. Not right away, so besides Reinhardts shield, the game was basically barrier less until a random Winston threw one out every 14 seconds. If they had instead nerfed reinhardts shield instead of buffing winston and giving Dva her flashable 4 sec DM the game would look a whole lot different.

As for healers, it all started to go down hill with Ana, her HPS was MASSIVE compared to anything the game had seen, she single handedly created the explosive HPS power creep that still is here to this day.


You guys and all these little forumlas… trying to negotiate out from under 2-2-2… its amusing.

Blizz talked about this particular combo, its hell on healers and tanks… not happening.


It might not be hell if Reinhardt was 1000 hp, immune to CC passive, and his shield started regenerating the second you dropped it, he could cancel this chage, and his shield had 5000 hp, was bigger, and recharged to full in the same span of time. But short of doing this for EVERY single tank/healer in the game, its just not feasible with their current power curves.

You would have to make tanks/supports broken OP to function.