How are code names decided?

I was thinking of Bridgette is a fan of old school Overwatch hero stories and all. Given that, I would think that she would want to have her own cool alias. She seems like she’s the kind of girl who would want to be known as “Paladin” or something.

Which made me realize that who gets a code name seems…random. Tracer, Mercy, Reinhardt, and Torbjorn are all part of the same squad, but Torbjorn and Reinhardt use their first names, while for some unclear reason (other than being cool names) Angela and Lena choose to use the names Mercy and Tracer for themselves.

Jack Morrison is hiding out, so I guess it makes sense he’d use a code name narratively and same deal with Sombra. Maybe Reaper wanted to leave his old name behind as he choose a different path? Widowmaker’s name only makes sense with context of Amelie’s life, so I doubt she’s hiding her past. And Doomfist I guess is known more for his weapon since he’s a successor. And D.Va obviously chose it as her gamer handle.

Pharah just seems like someone spelled Fareeha’s name wrong on a form and and it somehow just ended up sticking in the public eye. Junkrat and Roadhog just come from a place where people give each other nicknames, I guess? And I got nothing for Symmetra (you know, other than that she obviously likes symmetry).

Ana’s interesting because she DOES have a code name, “Shrike”, but we know her by her real name.


Reinhardt is his first name

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Holy crap, it is. Let me fix.

Reinhardt seems like it’d be a last name to me, while Wilhelm seems like a first. But then, I don’t know German, so…

Tracer using a code name makes sense - she was a pilot, and pilots are well known to take callsigns to make radio communications easier.

I still wish Ana used Shrike though.

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Tracer = T. Racer = Time Racer

I like to think they have a full on meeting about which meme most closely resembles/applies to the new hero or map and then that’s what they go with.

Ok Winston, from now on, you shall be known as… Harambe.


like who decided… oh hello robot number e-54. u look like a bastion… yeah ill call u bastion.

Bastion is a category of omnic robot. Specifically, the game’s Bastion is a “Bastion Siege Automaton E54”. And the name is appropriate, as a bastion is a type of “projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions”, which is sensible enough since Bastion built to do precisely that. It’s also “an institution, place, or person strongly defending or upholding particular principles, attitudes, or activities”, which is kinda ironic since this Bastion is one that doesn’t uphold his original programming of “Kill everyone”, but you can argue it can be in regards to his moral reprograming.

Either way, calling a Bastion Siege Automaton E54 “Bastion” is kinda like calling a person " Primate", since that’s a distant classification of our species.

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I think it’s something the person decides rather than something assigned to them.

Sure, but again, it feels like Brigitte would be exactly the sort of person to choose her own code name. I know I was thinking up superhero names for myself when I was a kid.

She might not have done it due to not being part of any organization. is the only solo character (that i can think of) that uses a codename.

I too have wondered this recently