How about some compensation for comp leavers?

First comp match of the day, completely winnable match but tank left near the start, so much so that all 4 of us stayed and played it out to its end. What do we get for staying? What do we get as compensation for having a leaver? Absolutely nothing. We’re PUNISHED for having a leaver. At least in quick play you get priority queue, you aren’t punished for having a teammate leave the match, so why are you punished in comp??

Don’t understand this obsession with making quick play more like competitive with these harsher punishments, but no attempt to make competitive more like quick play with its lack of punishing players who have something happen to them completely out of their control. I’m not mad the person left, not in the slightest, it’s Blizzard’s system that makes me so infuriated I didn’t even want to play anymore.

my medicine is to not care about sr/mmr or winning or losing.

every single game is just an overall ow practise.

if you have a leaver, all you can do is basically not ruin your stats. Its a bit of a shame but what can you do?

gg go next, it happens, sadly.


Okay, I don’t care. Step one completed years ago. What now? Lie down and accept the systems Blizzard put in place like a doormat? The only reason we get changes is because we complain.

Don’t play then. Don’t let a video game annoy you.

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people like you are a genuine cancer to society bringing the average intelligence of the human race down

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Why you this angry about a video game and total randoms on the internet.

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some people don’t have real lives or real life problems ig
I mean imagine caring so much abt some words on a forum abt a viddy game

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It’s just funny.

Step 1. Get upset about game
Step 2. Post utter nonsense about game to post rationalise your tears
Step 3. Get even more upset when someone corrects you

Rinse and repeat.


And yet here you are replying to every post. These paid Shills are worse than the complainers.

Lol. Still nothing to do with being a “shill”. For a start I couldn’t give a flying one about the people working on the game.

And I’d love proof I’m “replying to every post”. Maybe focus on yourself instead of making sh!t up.

^ right here. Either you’re an AI bot or you cannot ever stop replying. I’m waiting for your next reply to prove me right.

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I responded to you champ. If you don’t want me to reply, don’t talk to me.


Or set me to ignore. I don’t care either way.

Ding, Ding, Ding. WetWipe responded. Thank you for proving me Right. Waiting for your next response.

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“Balladeer, you are the reason we are losing. You need to leave so we get SR protection. You owe us for being so bad. If you don’t leave all 4 of us will report you and we will tell the red team to report you too”

And that’s why we can’t have SR protection.

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how is this in any way related to comp leavers… also dogpiling reports doesn’t matter because it’s been confirmed time and time again that one match counts for one report no matter how many people report in that match…