How about a Soft lock for role queue

so here’s my idea we have 2 kinds of locks for role queue

  • from bronze to platinum we have a soft lock which is you must play the role you queued for, the first round on the second round role lock is disable allowing teams to mix it up this should help for poor match ups at the end SR is awarded to the role you queued for not the role you played

  • now from platinum upwards its what we have now which is a hard role lock this will ensure that the players that reach this level can actually play the role that they queued for it will keep the upper tiers serious players pretty safe and filter out trash

let me know what you think guys i just want comp to be fun and accessible to players looking to challenge themselves and have good matches

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After 2 2 2 my games have just came better, so i don’t see why we need this.

e: Im bronze player.


many other people who solo queue are unhappy with poor match up ie crappy DPS
tanks that don’t move up or pocket supports i have been pushing i’ll admit about ELO hell for Solo supports in comp they play hard do all the right things but they lose and their SR goes down or if you get matches where the player is just in it for the loot box or 25 creds this will ease the problem if like you say you don’t need it
others do.

i’m a Solo support main and my hours don’t let me play local so i gotta solo

I’m not against this I think it can be useful

I also play solo usually, rarely with friend, but i really can’t see how soft lock will remove " bad dps" or " bad tank " players. Imo what we will get is 2 " bad tank + dps " not main healer and you as hit scan and odds to win can be either lower or bit higer. Imo 2 2 2 has been best thing what have happened in past few years. I admid that some times games are " out off my hand " but hey, this game havent ever been like you will win all your games and you just can’t affect every situation 100%. Old system was way more horrible. Imo you just have to admid that when your dps and tanks are " bad " and you play support only thing what you can do is affect to game best way possible. And imo even if you get 15k healing in 10 min game you just can’t blame your team, you had to think that support role is more than just and only healing. Did you talked to mic and say where is possible flanker? Did you take easy pick fast when you see that enemy healer is front of you and you can kill it easy? Did you helped your dps players against pharmercy by playing Ana example, also you used you sleep darts effecly to giving 6v5 situations? Hey im just a bronze player and i admid that im bad af at this game, also i can admid that i can’t win every game not mattet how hard i try, but i still have some good moments and current 2/2/2 have just made game better. Probably in Plat or Diamond where all dps players are " god like " and just picked support for 25 credits and in that time get like gold plyers in own team is so common…

e: i just share my thoughts ^^ nothing else.

So first round the attackers have to stick with 222 and the second round of attackers can do goats? I see no flaws at all.
Or even people boosting their rating by queueing a role they suck at then carrying on main.


Has 2-2-2 made the games a little more even>?

the soft lock would be for both teams and i also state above that it would be locked at higher ranks

this is just a suggestion to ease the problems of bad teams like if the tanks is not ideal in first round you and him could swap around rather than just having to bite the bullet besides it’s also good to open up the number of plays you can use than bunker or double shields

also with 222 if your team did well in the first round usually the team will stick to their picks on the second round

what i think is no no no no no no no no no and no.
Soft role lock like wth is that even. then absolute NOTHING will change and you clearly dont know why we got RQ2-2-2

Ques for bronze tank against other bronze players 2nd round goes plat dps

yeah it cant work… its kinda simple as that. i cant understand how its so hard to stay in theire role and work with the team for 1 just 1 match and you can queue for something else after. this is just bad potato solutions

relax yall sound like DPS mains

guys this is just words man look around the forum i’m not the only one having problems if you don’t have trash matches on solo queue i call bull or you are above the SR ceiling i listed above i am a firm support main but i really dislike tanks that don’t push up or if no one is in team chat so callouts are useless and simply frustrating

look at low levels(1300 and lower) playing support solo is just self-flagellating

if you do good, pray your team takes advantage if they don’t too bad SR reduction for you and now you play with worse people so you do good again and pray your team takes advantage they don’t because they usually are worse so free SR reduction again for you

DPS and tanks do encounter this problem as well i know but they can make an actual difference on their own supports cant i’m asking for some if any support from DPS and tanks your supports out there in the bronze and silver need your support for once

The exact opposite happened.

I know why you’re thinking this, but no. These changes force you to work as a team or lose, and that’s a good thing.

I had a game last night where I probably would’ve gone third DPS from tanking, but after tank swaps (which was probably more important) and great DPS swaps we had an amazing comeback and won.

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Then everyone goes DPS and you lose.

Also not fair at all for the attack. Defense can make an ultra hard defense of like Rein, Orisa, Sigma, Bap, Mercy, and Bastion.

Even though it wouldn’t effect me, I don’t like this idea.

And balance would be horrible.

also what you said

its terrible for supports like i said you can try but its a cycle that some solo supports have to deal with its just hard with out friends to team up

just forgett it, its not gonna happend and it cant be done with seperate SR. even though you think its a good idea its terrible in reality. blizz will never do it in amillion years and they shouldnt do it.

I don’t know if this will be the case in live, but in PTR I kept sinking down with support. The further down I got, the harder it was to carry.

Part of the problem is that the offense side of supports were nerfed thanks to GOATs: Zen’s projectile speeds were nerfed (edit: Oops, this wasn’t during GOATs but much earlier), followed by his discord. Lucio’s speed boost was nerfed, so it doesn’t have the impact it used to.

It was true that supports and tanks were the strongest roles back then; but now with 2/2/2 I think some thought needs to be given to the supports again.

On the flip side, the play-style has to be adjusted as I fell into lower ranks and it’s very possible that I needed to adjust more fully. For example, I almost clutched a game once I started playing a Reddit Lucio style in order to create space and contest their snipers (PTR) and ignoring the true bronze and silvers complaining.

tl;dr: We’ll need more time to see what goes on.

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have some patience. jeff said they have a lot of hero adjustment ready for realese they just didnt wanna push it all out at once. there gonna be major changes for heroes in the comming months