How about a poll for remix skins?

What if devs select a few heroes, and run popularity poll for what existing legendary skin of each hero should get a remix? (unless the future remixed skins have been already determined)
If that is the case then which skins, do you think, are gonna get remixes?


I’m surprised it took this long to make ‘remix’ skins a thing, they’ve had colour variations in the past its an easy way to broaden the number of skins that heroes have
Hopefully they do more of this in the future without it being tied to an event, it’s pretty simple but really does alot in terms of customisation to help a player’s individuality in matches

i love genji oni, i think its easily top 5 skin in the game and this is cool but it eats my chance of a scion yakuza suit genji ive been wanting ever since hanzo got that one (the skin i never swap off of) thats how i feel about all these skins, cool but they eat a slot for an actual new skin for these heroes.

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This is likely the case, skins takes months alone to build and Andy recently mentioned these remixes still required input across all levels of the art team.

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I love polls, but it can be incredibly biased.

Supports are likely to be favored (especially Ana, Mercy & Zenyatta) more than anybody.

Non-popular characters (e.g Symmetra, Mei, Pharah, Bastion, Torb, etc) will barely get the chances.


They stopped doing recolors because (you will never guess it):

SpoilerPeople complained about them...
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So far only 2 seasonal events featured reskin variations. I get why people didn’t like it, but I like the idea of giving fresh paint to old skins.

My suggestion was more in the sense of the dev team picking select heroes to run polls for, then each hero’s most popular voted skin gets a remix.

Mercy and will win every time when appearing in the list

we already had this with the gray skins.

Dunno if the 50 people still on (OW) Twitter or the 20 people on the (OW) forums forms a ‘sizable’ section of the community lol… :wink:

noo why are we complaining about this :skull: as long as it doesn’t impede the creation of new skins i dont see an issue

There were people who got upset about getting “the same” Legendary Mei skin 2 times instead of the event skin they wanted :roll_eyes:

I feel like im in the minority who thinks that the “remix skins” are not that intetesting. I personally wouldve wanted actual new skins just how they always done.

If i didnt wear the original legendary skin before, a recolored version of that legendary skin wont really change my mind about it.

Like for epics its fine, that’s what makes them epics, but for a legendary skin, i believe they should all look unique and different, not recolored version of an already existing legendary skin.

But this is just my opinion.