How about a counter for Pharmercy?

It’s allllll good. Hate is too much effort. :joy:

Try high nooning behind a shield

I think its a huge issue on console but on pc there are bigger issue such as mercyzen better than any healer cobo,hanzo and widow being op
just farm deadeye and kill her

except, as we’ve already mentioned, pharmercy can be taken down by 1 or heroes.

widow already hard counters both of them on most maps which is funny

Target Mercy

Good Widow counters everything.

Also Sombra works nice. You just need to hack Mercy and be able to take her out quickly :smiley:

After reading most of the responses, the overall answer is:

“there is no real counter to pharmercy, we just don’t want to admit it”

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take widow, mercy can’t heal a 300hp shot on a 200 hp target

or take out mercy

plan b- roadhog

Snipers counter Pharmercy easily. Shoot the Pharah once, the Mercy will either move to rez and die next, or just float in there uselessly.

The problem is, snipers counter everything right now. And if Blizzard actually nerfs them, most likely Pharmercy will become oppressive again. The cycle of one DPS being uncontested and uncounterable in every meta will reset., discord orb, hitscans that can aim.

But why does my team “have to aim” when neither Phara nor Mercy do?

Pharah has to aim. Splash damage is not going to cut it when you’re against good players.

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Unless it’s a good Pharah.

If you are against hitscan players who can aim and you’re constantly discorded, you will not deal enough damage with splash damage alone. If you are unable to land directs, it’s time to swap off of Pharah.

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Yes you will. Because if you hit an enemy with splash damage, they get knocked around, ruining their aim. You can’t beat a good Pharah if she’s already started shooting at you.

…That’s not true at all lol. The screen does not violently shake whenever you get hit by her splash. You move like 5 feet and your aim stays roughly the same, and it’s not very hard to adjust your crosshair onto the target. You do the exact same thing when you’re aiming on normal targets. They move out of your crosshair, you make micro adjustments, rinse and repeat.

i’m guessing you’ve never played part in a pharmercy? Let me tell you something as someone who has played both characters in the duo. Mercy has a much harder time with pharmercy than she does with healing the rest of her team because she has to be constantly on the swivel, checking her teams health on the ground, keeping an eye on the ground to see where threats are, and still looking back at the pharah to get that GA before she falls out of range of your beam, and switching back and forth between heals and damage boost frequently enough that pharah doesn’t get burst down. All of that on top her usual duties of keeping track of enemy locations and ults. I would much rather be on the ground flying between my allies than up in the air with pharah.

As a pharah, aim is a lot harder than you seem to think. Sure, even a bad pharah can disrupt the enemy team but a single disruptor doesn’t do a whole lot, and if that’s all you’re doing as pharah you’re better off playing something else. If you’re not getting consistent damage in, then the pharmercy fails and all you’ve done is deprive your team of an A-grade healer.

Pharmercy is not a low skill maneuver by an sense of the term, and it has plenty of counter play. If your zen/hit scan players are refusing to kill them, the problem is with your team and not the pharmercy. The only exception to this is console and that’s because aim on there is very difficult if you’re not using mouse/keyboard.


The counter is Zenyatta+Soldier or Mccree.
Discord the mercy and the hitscans finish her off, then do the same with Phara.

And before you say it’s not possible to get teams to coordinate, the enemy is doing it if they are running PharaMercy, so you should be able to do the same.

Like I always say: If you are fighting teamwork, use teamwork of your own.

Do I need to say it for an 84th time? Blizz will never make a single button press skill that insta kills pharah/pharmercy wherever they are on the map. That’s the only thing left they haven’t made to fit your ‘counter’ logic.

We already have two close range hitscan (mccree and hammond)
midrange hitscan (soldier)
longrange hitscan (widow and ana)
disable Pharah’s flight mechanic (sombra hack)
auto aim buildable (turret)
snipers with no falloff (hanzo and mei)
ultimates that are 99.9% guaranteed, no skill needed kills on pharah/pharmercy (tac visor, deadeye, self destruct)