How about a counter for Pharmercy?

How is over half of the roster can’t reasonably interact with them? The only ones who cannot reasonably fight a Pharah are Reaper, Junkrat, Symmetra, Reinhardt, Brigitte and Lucio, which is 6/28 and is less than a quarter. If you can’t interact with them probably means you don’t wanna switch.

And in fact fighting a team that builds around Tracer, Genji, Brigitte, Junkrat, Mei, Bastion, Reaper, Lucio, Ana, Winston, Torbjorn all requires you to switch up your composition and play style to deal with. Are those also not fun?

And what is your definition of fun anyway. Failing to define anything about such a subjective word before stating it actually has very little meaning. You could say being killed is unfun, you could also say fighting with little limitation is unfun.

Widow if she can aim and Sombra if she can talk.

We can only hope that the damage falloff buff will helps a bit.

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Yeah, to counter pharahmercy you need a lot more team work and aiming skills than play this duo.

Sounds fair.


Soldier 76, a covered Mc Cree, a decent Widow.

But you have to remeber that for them to work consistently, you as a team need to drag the attention of Pharah on you and not hiding hoping that the one supposed to kill them can 1vs2.

On you logic… if the enemy is playing the bastion meta (reinhart, mercy and bastion), you need 3 players to counter them?

technically yeah. Taking out the bastion is the easy part and any burst dps can do it, getting through the reinhardt is the hard part, Easier to distract him and give your burst dps a shot at the bastion.


The problem is all see it as a 1v1; Pick 76 and kill them! Take McCree and kill them! Its a 1v2 in that situation. But take 76 and McCree and there is no way that she can out heal you both. Take whoever you want but let it be a 2v2 not 1v2.


Sombra, D.Va, hitscans, propper use of sightlines.

So why 3 heros teamwork is worse than pharahmercy (two heros )???


Pharahmercy is a bad design mechanic. With a rrally low counterplay and you are forced to change you composition.

How is pharmercy bad? It’s just a synergy between two heroes. We got plenty of those synergies in the game. And it’s not like pharmercy is viable on every map and gamemode.

I see too many people being stupid and shooting at the Pharah though. Nope. Not the target. You gotta shoot the Mercy. Mercy’s self-healing of 20hps is a lot more manageable than trying to break through the Pharah’s pocket heals from Mercy of 60hps.


  • Sombra: Hack the Mercy.
  • Any medium/long range hitscan (Soldier and Widow work): Shoot the Mercy.
  • Get your own pharmercy.

It isn’t, if your teamcomp doesn’t have a burster that can melt Bastion fast then you need to switch too.

If you don’t want to fight off the enemy composition with existing counters because you want to stick on your waifu/husbando then the issue is you.


People don’t seem to know that but D.Va is the best hero to play against Pharmacy, she will not kill both of them but she can put pressure on both of them and deny Pharah’s ult.

Picking D.Va and a good Widow / Cree if Pharmacy is a problem is a good idea.


Sure, my team can swap to junkrat and destroy faster the reinhart shield. But if we dont swap, we still can win the fight. Because all heros can hit the bastion meta.

On the other side, You are forced to swap to anti air heros against pharahmercy.

I wouldn’t, they have aim assist.


And this.

It is possible, however, for someone to “1v2” this duo. I can confirm this as a former Tank main and as a Support main.

The reason is you’re never actually “1v2” in a 6v6.

Mercy constantly makes decisions based on what is going on based in the 6v6 situation, not the 1v2 situation.

No matter who you are, as long as you pay attention to her, you will practically always be granted a chance to take her out.

She’s a high priority target. Was arguably number 1, and now arguably shares the throne with Brig.

Someone will (and if not, someone should) always be focusing her.


Aim asssit?

They copy the aim asssit of bo3 and work really bad on teamwork game like overwatch, where you have many enemys on the screen.

Pharahmercy is the top one dps pickrate on gm and master on ps4.

Yeah good luck going Soldier/Mc Cree against a Bastion ship or a Bastion on point B.

Six. There’s six enemies.

The point is that conditions are always changing and you want to create the condition where you can kill her.

Sometimes this condition happens naturally, other times it can be forced.

Speaking from Winston’s perspective for instance; if I can’t kill Mercy, and she’s really good, I look for a good squishy to focus.

Guess what happens when they go critical. It brings Mercy to the ground for everyone to carve up.

If she doesn’t come down, squishy dies. Either way you can take advantage.

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I agree. Don’t forget the incoming hitscans buffs too. No more tickling a Pharah with McCree or Soldier.

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Just pick widow. Very boring, but effective.