How about 2/2/2 instead?

You are literally making that up


I mean you can think that all you want, but considering that Jeff just talked, at length, about an experiment they did explicitly to address the DPS queue lengths, and mentioned multiple commonly suggested alternate role stacks, and prior to that we had direct responses to players about the team’s balance strategy, and before THAT we had Jeff and Geoff Goodman responding on Reddit to feedback from players, the evidence suggests they ARE listening, they’re just not listening in the way YOU want them to.


For me, it is the opposite - I dont find 222 to be fun at all, and qp classic is my favorite and most-played game mode, even despite the multiple differences between pre222 qp and qp classic

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How about 3-1-2, 3 tanks, 1 dps, 2 healers. It might bring Mei GOATS again :smirk:

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I can stomach qpc if my team runs a goats comp, we’ll usually roll. otherwise it’s a dumpster of 4+dps all running around like bots.

So you wanna say to 80% of the player base live with it?
Well guess what… i guess blizzard want to continue earn some money and they better adapt to what players want to play.

Live with that.

They literally said this?

Don’t suppose I could trouble you for a source or reference by any chance could I?

I’d literally be interested in seeing what they said


This. 222 isn’t the issue the lack of changes to go along with it is the problem. Yes we are getting them but going to a new system requires more rapid changes and then you can eventually settle down. But what we got is the same slow pace as usual. 222 isn’t the problem the slow implementation of it is the problem.

Did they really say that? Where’s the source for what you’re claiming, or are you just making assumptions? I’d like to think I’m pretty up to date on Overwatch news, and I’ve never heard of the developers saying anything like this.

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Can you source that 80% please? Thank you

They did t say they were or weren’t doing anything…they’re internally testing it out because like it or not 222 causes ISSUES within the current player base…

All he did was admit that they are trying to figure out ways to confront some of those issues…

Anything beyond that is just people guessing and playing to their biases


Guess why we have such long queue times?

10 min for dps ( i havent seen one below 14min in a long time), around 2 for Sup and half a minute for tanks.

lets say 10. for dps, 1 for tank and 2 for sup… hence:
10/13 = 0,76 That is 76%.

Also consider, that there is a reason why NO OTHER GAME has such distinct roles and their slots distributed evenly. People wanna play dps.

I’m just glad to hear they are re-examining 222…gives me some small measure of hope

If they were listening they’d notice how bad this 2 2 2 is. It just puts dps in non dps characters. Every Rein or hog I see is just a dps with a lot of health, which really just means they’re feeding more ult charge because instead of playing tanks like tanks they play them like dps and die constantly. Then there’s healers who prioritize damage over healing because they’d rather play a character that does less damage but has a lower que time. Not to mention healers are the most cancerous players consistently but that’s another topic.

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you know this varies GREATLY by rank. I understand what you’re saying, but if you go with 3/2/1 or another weird role comp, you will lose all your tank & most likely support players as well.

Of course it veries by rank. Check out the times across all ranks weighted by their player size and you will still get to that… more or less.

But i don’t think that you lose sup or tank players. We didn’t lost even though before role queue 132 actually WAS the most play comp in the first 2 years and above of OW.

But even if some leave… without being mean, but the game lives only if there are players. The most are dps. Hard but that’s it. So the game to keep living on needs to be playable for dps before anything else. 10 and more miunte queue times is it not.

Yeah because 3-5 DPS comps while remaining as the lone healer that would get dove and murdered without help from the support’s team and being flamed for apparently “not providing any heals” was NEVER something to complain about

It was always sunshine and rainbows. Every game was not a dice roll.


the only other option I see is adding a flex role, but this person will be the target of toxicity for the vast majority of the games. I think they need to keep 2/2/2 & implement a priority que time system for players with higher endorsement levels, cards per game, ect. Some reward system similar to loot boxes for tank/support que’rs…

All of these were things before 222 and they will continue to be for the foreseeable future. The Uprising event even hangs a lampshade right on this sort of behavior:

Ana: And Reinhardt, please don’t just go charging into the enemy

Rein: Wouldn’t dream of it, Captain!

People have complained about DPS Moira since before Brigitte came out, and Brigitte suffered all the same complaints as Rein in addition to her terrifying state of balance, and hardly anyone was whinging about DPS Baptiste prior to the hotfix.

222 wasn’t meant to fix bad player behavior- bad players will play bad- it was meant to fix bad team comps and to help even out the match experience. Just as you anecdotally have had Leeroy Jenkins tanks and DPS Moira’s, I’ve always had another tank who covers my butt in matches and I can count on actually having healers in my matches since RQ came out.

I’m never going back to Classic or non-222 formats, and I’ll leave the PvP in the dust if it ever becomes mandated.

based on what I’m reading on other threads, you likely will lose most tank mains.