Houston Outlaws vs. San Francisco Shock - FINAL

Wait… I am buzzing over the fact Moth is on Zen…

[Linkzr]: less paris = better


ok…was that a real c9?

Interesting that the discord icons stayed on at the top between round spawn times…

More of Emongg’s influence on Jiri. They’ve been hanging out way too much during lockdown. xD

I missed it. Was it actually Discord? They’re sponsored by Teamspeak. :thinking:

Woo draw! Also, is the caster audio ahead of the video for anyone else?

I mean discord orb… like in game… over the names of players, even though they were in between rounds and no characters up.

The best Houston could force out of Shock on their worst game mode was a draw.

i think my mans was talking about zen’s orb of discord

It’s been like that all day. It was that way during the morning games too.

Oh okay, that makes more sense.

Weird. It was working fine for me for the last two matches.

Not looking good for Houston

To quote the words of the Imprisoned Imp from Hearthstone…

“HA HA! We’re back online!”

Sorry for being AFK, I almost literally burned the house down.

:fire: :upside_down_face: :fire:

This is fine.

(Glad you’re okay)

Outlaws PepeLaugh. (2 chars)

Bob 9




Bob9… what a very rare sight.