I went to the store nearby so didn’t catch that last map. Was it a must watch later?
Anyway got some medicine and a snack. I thought I’d share the snack with y’all lmao
I went to the store nearby so didn’t catch that last map. Was it a must watch later?
Anyway got some medicine and a snack. I thought I’d share the snack with y’all lmao
Activision-Blizzard is a super joined cooperate, hence why they had games like Destiny 2 (while Bungie was in partnership with Activision), and such on the Blizzard app on PC.
K, let me update the score for everyone watching since Wyoming appears to be temporarily out of commission:
Ilios (Control) score: Dallas Fuel 2, Houston Outlaws 1.
Volskaya Industries (Assault) score: Houston Outlaws 1, Dallas Fuel 0.
MATCH SCORE: Dallas Fuel 1, Houston Outlaws 1.
NEXT MAP: Route 66 (Escort). Houston Outlaws to attack first.
He seems to be typing now actually…
The better question is have you downloaded Call of Duty Mobile yet? Also, don’t forget to purchase the Defender gun skin pack for Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Remember to check out the exciting puzzle RPG brawler, Legend of Solgard! If you are looking for more of that zany face packed Action RPG, check out Knight Hood. Oh and don’t forget the latest Hearthstone expansion brings the all-new Demon-Hunter hero class and a variety of fast-hitting minions, get a powerful Demon Hunter deck for free, and power it up with even more powerful demons with the all-new Ashes of Outland expansion!
(If you think about it, the ads really aren’t too bad if not being repetitive), we could still be having this…
Don’t forget World of Warcraft! And it’s brand new MDI and AWC season as well as it’s new expansion!
im never seeing WoW ads. id rather be seeing those than cod or some mobile game no ones gonna play. i actually like WoW
They just did while they were transitioning from halftime to Route 66. They had it on glorious repeat. I wished they did more of it, to be honest…World of Warcraft needs help, and needs it badly.
Okay, getting back on-topic here, it is my now observation that the maps are becoming extremely one-sided, but at least its not a 3-0verwatch this match.
CLOSER SPIIIIIIIIIIIN! That was hilarious.
Well, finally teams show up to play defense…
Muma be throwing as per usual.
Muma messed that up, imo. They had a much better shot of holding there until that error. If I were Muma, I’d be kicking myself.
That was a big oof…
Ilios (Control) Score: Dallas Fuel 2, Houston Outlaws 1.
Volskaya Industries (Assault) Score: Houston Outlaws 1, Dallas Fuel 0.
Route 66 (Escort) Score: Dallas Fuel 1, Houston Outlaws 0.
MATCH SCORE: Dallas Fuel 2, Houston Outlaws 1.
NEXT MAP: Eichenwalde (Hybrid).
Looking at that fight again, Meko was no where near to help Muma secure his escape with Matrix or to body block some damage… Meko was actually the main reason they lost that, communication was not clear.
That was the second worst baby D.Va stagger stagger I have ever seen.
Anytime someone acts like D.va’s second life isn’t also a liability, show them this match lol
No… no… no… show them THIS MATCH!
I feel bad for pro dvas man, they are the stagger pick, you kind of want to be picked off first just so you are not the stagger.