First round, he went Primal, and his health went from 1000 to 0 instantly… he was DELETED.
tokens finally figured out?
Maybe… but that doesn’t seem like something a full-fledged video annoucement is needed for. However if the free spray give away from the first match is any indication, they may finally be getting things working for at least League Picks.
I love that Decay doesn’t care about counters. He good.
oh i wasnt watching bc i was busy making dinner so i thought gamsu was in poor health in like, real life
I just saw them pull up the history on the “Battle for Texas”…
And man, I still have chills in regards to that Dallas homestand version of the Battle for Texas…so much so that I went into final exam week a nervous wreck.
Fitting, then, that today’s Battle for Texas is the weekend right before…wait for it…final exam week. Fortunately, it’s all online, so people wouldn’t necessarily be seeing me as a nervous wreck (although the grades will probably take a nosedive).
That was the best homestand by far methinks
danteh is such a good sombra and blase is such a good doomfist
Why would I speak about Gamsu’s real life health during a match? That makes zero sense man.
Whats the important announcement thats gonna happen, maybes comm update coming to live?
We don’t know… why would they tell us what it is before hand…
i dunno, because i wasnt watching and didnt know what was going on? also i forgot he was on dallas now instead of shanghai so your icon confused me
Well, you’ll have to tune in to Watchpoint post-show to find out…
Again, I still probably won’t like it, though…
Okay, I guess that makes sense, sorry. How come you not eating and watching?
because im currently in the middle of making what im going to be eating
You’re not watching the Battle For Texas? Especially after how the last one ended? What are you, nuts?
I’m just teasing ya, but yeah, when we talk about health, we mostly concern ourselves with in-game health. If there’s a real-life health concern, Wyoming would probably be the one posting about it…or possibly your friendly neighborhood Sunday troll…
why is there adverts for cod mobile
I mean, technically, COD is owned by Activision, which owns Blizzard, so…not hard to make that leap…
Oh sorry never knew lol