And I don’t want to say Lucio is overtuned (who am I kidding, he is), he single-handedly breaks the game and allows metas to be uncounterable. He is “brawl” enabler, and that’s fine. What is not fine is that he enabled all non-brawl comps and made them impossible to beat.
Dive is “use mobility and kill somebody”. Lucio’s Speedboost is redundant here, yet he can contribute in assassinating supports via his damage and boop-out-of-position. Not only that, if a dive attempt was poorly executed, he can speedboost his team away, making Dive unpunishable.
Double shield was a perfectly fine comp because it was static and lacked disengagement tools. Lucio breaks it, by allowing it to disengage bad fights or evade dive attempts, as well as preventing teamwipes with his ult. Any other support would make the comp look somewhat balanced (expect for Bap, he’s just kind of made for it).
GOATs is an unfortunate combination of sustain, ability stacking and Lucio’s general “brawl enabler” role. Could have been fixed by making him actually choose between Speed and Healing, but whatever. Doesn’t cancel the fact that he’s guilty of multi-tank comps’ existence (including Slambulance).
Now it’s JQ paradise, or JOATs, or whatever you call it. Lucio brings same issues: he contibutes to dives, he prevents dives, he provides decent sustain (enough to neuter poke), has good poke himself, can duel DPS, good at everything. Swap him out and this comp falls apart. Team can’t disengage on JQ’s Shout alone, doesn’t have an answer to strong (burst) ultimates, doesn’t have long-range poke damage and is dangerously susceptable to Dive comps.
This lasted for too long. By now it should be obvious that Lucio needs some changes. Being a meta pick for all 6 years is more than enough to warrant serious nerfs. Brig gets beaten to a pulp every time she doesn’t end up non-meta pick (and I guarantee you, she’ll be the first to get nerfed in OW2), yet Lucio gets a free pass. I don’t mean to completely “Brig” him, but he needs to have some downtime on his abilities. Something like 5 seconds between you can swap to another aura, or 3 seconds of that after using Amplify, or longer Boop cooldown. Just don’t touch his ultimate, it charges slowly as is.