Sure be it most people are not going to give a structure response like that.
And in most cases your just going to get X does to much damage, Y can’t live long enough, Z does to much healing.
When talking about rien, reaper, mercy in that order.
And the context of their rank, hero, game mode, role, their own playstyle, etc.
From their you have to rule out USER ERROR or USER END Equipment issues.
Then their is what their ultimately playing against.
Like this could very much be a gold reaper, trying to flank a rien with a mercy pocket.
Or on the flip side could be a rien main pointing out how easy it is to actually kill a dps like reaper in this situation.
And that they think their hero is to effective in this situation.
Like your not going to get get context you need from the mass amount of posters. And actually good posts are going to be hard to fine in the flood of “X is so OP blizz bad” posts.
it’s why I not only go out of the way to provide context for why torb feels over nerfed, with the various factors that came to make this be both direct and indirect nerfs.
Congrats kirko can no longer save people from rapid fire damage. That will do a many instances of damage ranging from like 7~20 each. Doubly so headshots from soldier.
It also no longer gives her that buffer to through out the wave healing after throwing the thing.
Meaning things are going to die before the healing even gets to them. Especially when you consider the healing from suzu is gradual.
Anyone can make a game. But like in same way anyone can cook.
like someone with a culinary degree or a experienced chef is going to be able to tell not only what a dish needs but why it needs it. And in turn can balance the rest of meal around such to give the meal the intended flavor.
And for the most part just needs to know what the customer wants to prepare such.
Were as a casual chef that has considerably less experience in the kitchen or only really knows how to prepare a small hand full of dishes. Isn’t exactly going to be giving the best advice to the chef.
Doubly so when most people here would have the cooking experience of order fast food. Relative to how little actual experience in designing a game they would have.
Not saying good ideas can’t come from places outside of the game designers wheel house.
It’s just that 9.99/10 your going to making a rather surface level take. On an issue that can considerably more complex.