Hot Take: Healing passive isn't that huge

It takes long enough to proc and heals minimally, so all it really ends up doing is allowing for out-of-combat healing. Main benefit is that people can stay in off-angle positions without needing to hunt for a health pack.

I really don’t see it being a massive change to the game like people are making out.


Its just support mains crying because they want to be the only role with ridiculously OP self healing.

And there are A LOT of support mains who enjoy playing easy and strong heroes.

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Do we really know that?

No, anyone who actually enjoys coordinated team play is annoyed by the change. I’m a tank main. I don’t want to play solo deathmatches. I want a team based strategy game, like OW was for years.

Any change that encourages individual play over team play is a bad change.

Most people don’t understand that though because that’s how they play the game anyway. The new wave of OW players are solely kill focused instead of being objective focused.

I feel you, as a tank main as well, because I can’t tell you the number of times the DPS ran so far ahead of the rest of the team that the healers and I had to follow and then no one pushes the objective which ends in a loss and people fighting with each other over nothing nonsense.

I’ve honestly given up trying to protect people as tank and let them run as far ahead as they want. I just stay back and push the objective and tune out anything the DPS or healers say if they aren’t willing to play the objective. It’s different if you’re, say, a Sombra. There’s no reason for a Sombra to be on objective 100% of the time; scout forward, hack a few people, pick off the healers if you can, but don’t expect me to run halfway across the map and lose the objective just for you to end up crying that it’s my fault you died.

I enjoy coordinated team play and am fine with the change.

Nah, the hot take is that this passive IS yuge. Everyone is trying to downplay it which makes the opposing opinion the controversial one. This healing passive changes EVERYTHING :rainbow:.

The first time a Genji survives death due to his own self healing, people will riot. Yes, I’m aware that’d be inefficient for the Genji. It won’t matter. Yes, I’m aware Genji now can just grab a health pack during a flank and have that just be a better version of the passive. It won’t matter.

People WILL hate it as soon as it inconveniences them. We know this. It has nothing to do with game balance, and at this point, I don’t think players ever cared about balance.

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It just comes down to actual values

I think it’s actually more likely to be pretty inconsequential than anything—it seems like they’re gunning for it to mostly be useful in between fights, but was that actually ever an issue? I don’t think that was a huge strain on Support resources or a large hindrance to independence for DPS/Tanks.

The only characters/role I really see this potentially being cracked on is Snipers (mostly just Widowmaker), since they’re generally more removed from team fights & can afford to step back to recover chip damage. Mid-combat, it seems unlikely other roles could really do that—maybe flankers if the proc period is pretty short.

We’ll have to wait and see, but the more I think about it, the less convinced I am that it’s worth the fuss that Blizzard & the community are giving it

I predict a 10 HP/SEC after 3 seconds of not taking damage. Maybe it will also stop if the hero in question is also attacking.