Hot take: Ana should keep sleep dart

sleep doesn’t have a huge hitbox does it?

Literally one of the biggest projectiles.

I can see why they might remove it and why they might not.

Since so many people seem to feel Nade and dart are big problems here are some ideas.

These are just ideas for fun. Don’t take it seriously.

  1. Change Sleep Dart to Antihealing Dart. And take antihealing off Nade. Nade’s explosion now repels Ana and only Ana backwards from.

Ana can antiheal a single target with a skill shot but not the whole team. Her Nade still has healing uses but can also propel her backwards from a flanker or to nearby high ground.

  1. Instead of instantly going to sleep for five seconds, the target gets drowsy increasingly slowing their movement, reload speed and cool-downs for four seconds and on the fifth second they fall asleep for one second and then wake up. Any damage taken while drowsy or asleep will wake you up.

Perhaps a bit elaborate but you get to give Ana space from her attacker by slowing them down but still give the attacker a chance to kill her or reposition himself behind cover before falling asleep.

Seems better than lying there I dunno.

I wish Moira could phase out of it tbh

but then… that means Reaper would be able to as well, and we all know everyones opinion on Reaper hahaha.

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Sleep dart can be kept but I would like to see:

  • Cooldown reduction
  • Duration reduction (both minimum and maximum)

No it doesn’t.
Lmao no it’s not the biggest at all. It’s in line with most other projectiles and nowhere near the biggest.


Sleep dart is considered " skillshot " ability. My point was that it’s projectile size and other parameters say the opposite.

I know that if you compare SD to Rein’s hammer or Ashe’s dynamite you can call it " skill shot ".
But, when you compare it with Hanzo’s arrows it’s 2 times bigger.

It’s the same size as Pharah’s rocket launcher, it’s no way a " skill shot " .


All those things are still in the game. I don’t have a problem with them.

For Brig players she was. But she also kinda killed the game so no lol

I said why. Because you can miss it and it’s on a long cooldown. That’s how cc should be for non tanks. If Mei freeze was reworked like this I’d be ok with it.

Agreed. She did change the course of support design and not for better.

maybe. I think Ana is fun and seems most support players are. Given I’m mostly a dps player that kinda makes my bias a little less bad don’t you think?

Yee, it’s a tiny hitbox, it’s a legit skillshot against small targets

I like the first idea here with the anithealing dart, for the knockback grenade that’d be good so long as it also still heals her otherwise it won’t help her alot vs flankers I feel

It has a hitbox 2X larger than Hanzo’s arrows or Genji’s shurikens… not sure in what world that’s “tiny.”


I agree but hotter take: so should Mei, it’s like her identity and is actually healthy cc because of low range and taking time to build, most tanks can avoid / interrupt it (and those who can’t could easily be adjusted). It’s also her identity and playmaking tool and she lacks mobility to close distance while she is in danger of enemy CC, so it’s not like she can freeze whenever she wants.

It sounds a lot like the type of freeze + headshot combo they removed from Mei.

That doesn’t seem like a good thing. Every character should be open to re-evaluation, as God knows, my mains have been. How many times have I had to relearn Dva by now?

I kind of have to laugh at the idea that she’s picked all the time because she’s “popular” though. Yeah, that’s why she’s in every game. It isn’t that she’s powerful, it’s that grannies are the coolest. That’s why our society is obsessed with old age and not youth. I could be wrong but I have trouble imagining things have changed dramatically since this vid was made.

Suuuure. That’s how you sell it. Mean while I’m getting hit from around a corner on Dva by a dart that lands 2 feet to my left.

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It is? I thought it was a little bigger but not that much huh, guess is way too large aswell then

Yeah she’s picked because she is just popular and not because she is the only hero with healing block ability with high healing potenial, good ult and cc and the same time.

I remember that McCree became " popular " too, immediately after 4 buffs :joy:.

I cringe everytime i see " Ana / Cree / anymetahero is just popular " while the most popular heroes are Mercy, Dva and Genji.


Eh I wouldn’t compare a stun on primary with a low aim requirement to a skill shot on a 15s CD. They’re very dissimilar. Imagine if Mei instead had to hit the target with a special icicle to freeze them, but she could only shoot one every 15s. That would be more comparable.

However, they could give sleep the Mei treatment by downgrading the CC to a knockdown like accretion, and then significantly increasing the damage to compensate. This could allow her to still kill squishies, still occasionally get environmentals but it would reduce the impact on tanks.

But then the issue is that Ana is synonymous with the concept of sleep in game, with some of her cosmetics referencing it. With the right VFX and SFX, could Blizz still make it seem like a character who was only knocked down for a moment was sleeping in that brief time? I don’t know.

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They were fine with completely renaming McCree despite all the references and even animations using his name, so I don’t think they’ll keep her sleep just to avoid the work.
They might keep it if they choose, but not for those reasons.
Same for bastion rework

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That’s true. They could change the sprays and maybe just keep the “tuck you in” voiceline since it works for a caring granny type anyway.

I can agree with this and I don’t even play Ana.

I know a lot of people hate sleep dart, but I believe it is fairly balanced out by the fact that there is a level of coordination involved to keep your team from waking them up if you want the max effect.

All that aside, did blizzard say they were removing all CC, or just some of it?

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