Hot do I get good LFG games

Recently I’ve been complaining about my Luck with LFG. I realized that maybe like PUG’s in custom games that there is a way to get a good set of LFG games. Are there any tips to know when looking for of making a competitive LFG group?


I always put my SR at the beginning of the title, then a really short description, then end it with Pub Profs and Mics. I always do mic checks and pub profile checks before queueing. Doesn’t always work, but it weeds out some.

I’ll always leave role lock off. Sometimes I choose six flex slots, sometimes I’ll put TTSSDDamge…… always role lock off.

Min endorsement 2. make sure they have their placement matches done.


Don’t treat LFG like a PUG.

Use it instead to find people who you get along with and add them to your friends list.

And then when you join or run a LFG, always invite players on your friends list first. If they don’t join, don’t take it personally. That way, you get a nice group of players you can play with.

Anyone new who joins through LFG just fills out your team and you get a chance to interview them. If you like them and think you can work with them in a comp match, you can add them and grow out your friends list. Eventually, you’ll just invite from your friends list instead of going to LFG.


I set voice on, role lock off, min endorsement to 2, roles to [tank, tank, support, support, DPS, flex]. I’ll usually leave the title as just my name, but “try hard”, “have mic”, or the name of the comp you want to default with work too. When I get a group I check that everyone joined voice, we don’t have two people that one trick the same character, and that we have a main healer (I’m a main or off tank so no worry there).

Then play. If you lose then generally disentegrate the group (unless it was really close and they seemed really good). Keep refreshing groups until you get one that works well and keep it for tons of wins (keep even if you lose the fifth or sixth or whatever). I’ll often cycle through 2 or 3 losing groups before going on a massive winstreak with one. Finally friend those that you think are rated particularly below their Sr and hope you can invite them to your next group.


You gotta be ruthless. Had one group that all seemed quite nice. Then we lost a game. I had 2.4k silver damage as Rein and Zen had 2.5k gold damage. Our Tracer couldn’t even beat that. Likely as she spent most time on comms complaining about the tanks and support.

I left after that…

mostly you got to put more effert into makeing grupes. such as require mic open profiles ask ppl what they play can lock out lower endorsements excedera your free to do your own filtering

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