Hosting 24/7 FFA Deathmatch with Perks (and nerfed tanks)

Since perks aren’t in arcade, I’ve decided to just host my own lobby and keep it running when I’m doing something else so others can play.

As you can tell by the title, yes, tanks are nerfed. I’ve cut their HP down by 50-225 depending on how much HP they had before. I’m probably still going to nerf them even further, but I’m gonna take it step by step.

Also btw Dva is disabled cause she bugs out the workshop health reduction system I’m using. Rip.

Anyways, it’s up right now in custom games lobbies, titled ‘FFA with Perks’. I’m AFK so just join up and wait for others


Apparently custom games close after 1.5h if I’m just afking in spectator. Had no idea.

Lobby is back up again

Lobby back up, now with 10 player slots

Aaaaaa I promise I’ll be back soon; I have to go tend to some really important business :pray:

Our final duel in the last match was hilarious BTW, it took me so long to realize that you had actually found a way to get up on the lattice thing with me :joy:

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Lol yeah I hadn’t used zen float before so I forgot I could just jump pad and fly over lol

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Speaking of the float, I discovered from my PoV as an opponent that it makes a sound. So whenever you would float I could once again use my ears to figure out where you were (except that one last time apparently :stuck_out_tongue:)

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I was starting to realize that when everytime I ran into you while floating you were crouching and waiting for me lol. I had no idea it made a sound

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I’ve added a script to try and circumvent lobby shut downs by auto restarting the game when someone wins or when a couple of minutes have passed without anyone present in the match. Going AFK to wait and see if this lets me keep the lobby up indefinitely.

It’s up and running again, ‘FFA with Perks’

Lobby is up again, now 24/7 thanks to the script. There’s a chance it might go down given enough time, but I had it running for like 16h with no issues, so it should just stay up indefinitely.

‘FFA with Perks’ in custom games


I made some further reductions to tank abilities that give a ton of overhealth when you use them.

The lobby still hasn’t been shut down since I started it more than a day ago now, but I manually closed and re opened anyways just to be safe.

Join at ‘FFA with Perks’, available while queuing to just roam around too


game needs to be more custom lobby friendly.
needs custom map editor and modes.

The lobby is back up after a week and a half of being down (cause I was lazy lol)

I spectated a few full games yesterday and noticed some interesting things:

In regular deathmatch games, I’ve noticed that after dying to a tank a few times, people are either quick to swap to Reaper or they just start avoiding the tank at all costs. This seems to usually not be the case in my lobby, and it seems that it’s because the duels between a tank and a dps/support are closer with the reduced tank base HP and the reduced HP they get from abilities, with the tank usually surviving by like 25HP if they win, so people have been way more likely to pick a fight with a tank.

The only exceptions ended up being Mauga and Zarya. Mauga, because I forgot that his cardiac also gives him 40% damage resistance, so he can just pop it to win a 1v1 for free. I’ve changed it so he only gets 15% damage resistance, and I’ve also redistributed his health to give him less armor.

Zarya’s problem was that she always spawns with her 2 bubbles by default, so someone unlucky enough to have Zarya spawn near them would be overwhelmed by her two bubbles and die. I’ve changed it so that she starts with no bubbles, and a starting 2 second cooldown to get the first one so that she can’t just bulldoze someone immediately after spawning in.

Also, Dva is back after figuring out how to tune her HP (cause workshop is buggy). Woohoo

But yeah, lobby is up. ‘FFA with Perks’ in the custom game browser. I’m just there AFKing