The way competitive match making works now is an absolute f*g joke! People with 0 experience literally under level 10 get put into comp. matches with other players (inc. me) who are experienced and high level. This completely ruins the game. “Find a group” is not at all used anymore. People are constantly leaving comp. matches causing us to lose and decrease MY comp. score. I am literally unable to progress and increase my gamer score because of other players being s.You should have to be at least level 200 to play competitive. Honestly it’s so ridiculous! Get if fixed ffs!
Whenever you get stomped check which team has the new players new to the game completely. Will definitely be the losing team (people use mercy pistol primarily not understanding why it’s bad)
How can a lvl 10 be put into Comp games when you need to be lvl 25 to actually be able to play Comp?
if u had to be level 200 to queue ranked there wouldn’t even be enough players queing and ur gamer score would just stay the same
I believe you can do it.
I’ve seen it. you remember some names over the course of 1000 matches cuz you think about who you endorse and why.
You got this.
I def endorsed you in the loss . .
Let me know If there’s any way I can help.
I can play your Tom Skerritt
I used the no no words so the previous post was deleted . . jeepers . . really? Have you seen the state of your game?
But yea, I don’t know if you group and no guarantees, but I’ll even if that heal that helps. I’ve seen you in action and it left an impression. That’s for sure.
I agree, or at least level 100. Do you know that experienced players are forced to play with inexperienced player via algorithmic handicapping? More info:
It’s not getting fixed until the people responsible for it’s design get fixed.