Hopefully this means the end of Role Queue soon

It’s obvious that this 1-3-2 is the result of role queue being a disaster. Blizzard have the data. Players are leaving, queue times are nightmarish and the game is no longer fun. But Blizzard don’t like to backpedal, so they’re gonna try this and try that and then announce no role queue as a something brand new “experimental” they’ve come up with, and not something every player demands. The nightmare will soon be over. Cheers.


A disaster? The only real downside to it is increased queue times because there aren’t enough people who enjoy playing tank.


You guys purpusely choose to be this ignorant or is this some sort of blessing? The guy literally said that role queue worked and made the game head in the right direction.


1 3 2 will never work without massive changes to the game. As some who has often been stuck solo tanking before role que was a thing I can tell you it wasn’t pleasant and it rarely worked unless the other team was really bad.

Think about it, tanks shields and/or defensive abilities already feel like tissue paper with 2-2-2. If the enemy team had 3 dps and you only have one tank it’s reach the point where you might as well give up being a tank all together. Honestly 4 DPS has a better chance of wining than one lone tank who dies in a split second.


It’s just political talk. If it worked there wouldn’t be any need to do experimental modes.


The experimental modes are some sort of bandaid fixes to the lack of tank players. Until we get real changes that make tanking feels like you’re playing a game and not like a job everyone will have bad queue times.


My feelings, just something to make people think they are actively working on the game and not completely abandoning it. You know despite doing just that. Hero pools have certainly stirred up the forums to actually talk about the game again that is for sure.

Mean while OW 2 is still has no official release date, we haven’t gotten another hero in a very long time. Archives is going to be a repeat, no new maps either.

Feel the content flow!

Edit: oh and the last animated short was the Ashe one right?


They need a way to fix que times.
You think they are going to outright lie about 222 being successful?
There is a significant shortage of tank players.

I really hope this 321 thing is just to show the community that its a horrible idea.


You think Blizzard never lies? It’s just poker face. “No need to panic. We’re doing great”.
Shortage of tanks is directly cause by RQ. Half of tanks before RQ were people switching from dps. Now you can’t do that.


Na that’s just your interpretation

The only downside is increased queue times for DPS


No. Pretty much everything about it is a downside.


No. Stop.


Again, that’s your interpretation.

I hope you can get off of your high horse one of these days and accept that your opinion is an opinion


Why do people insist that this will magically make everything work?

I’d argue that the queue times would roughly be the same.

What some people expect:
3-2-1 means all the tank players will still want to play tanks so it’s more room for DPS, FINALLY!!!

What is more likely:
People who queued as tank to play off-tank or just have zero interest in being the only tank will mostly just stop playing tank so the queue times would stay relatively the same.


Except for jeff saying even in this video role que was a success and theyre trying to get around the issue of high dps que times


OW devs are so incompetent its insane. REMOVE ROLE Q OR ADD CLASSIC OW Comp alongside 2-2-2, Nobody want 3-2-1


Problem is, role queue is a bandaid too. And blizzard just stopped trying to fine the right answer when the bandaid even works a teeny bit.

Sadly, I don’t think they have to capability of fixing a player-base while their game actively catered to the playerbase.

It feels like that games from 2014-2016 tends to accumulate this kinda playerbase…(yes the ovbious other game that supports this is also an indie game, so no “blizzard” blame)


“All right, so—statistically, vanilla is the flavor,” says Kaplan. “People have a propensity toward certain ice cream flavors, just like they do toward roles in Overwatch.”

Yes Jeff, and statistically, the Tanks are less in number than DPS heroes. So i think it’s obvious that when you watch the Tank roster you are not inclined to chose it.
Why would you? There is really not much choice. Mhh what am i gonna play today? 4 shield tanks, a ball with infinite skill ceiling which i’m gonna make my team lose with or am i gonna feed with roadhog making people escape with 1 hp after comboing them?

oh boy…

Is one of your goals to get more people to play tank?

Kaplan : Not necessarily. This is how I’ve been thinking about it: imagine we’re an ice cream store, and we have three flavors of ice cream. We have chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, and you have to line up for all three flavors separately. So, imagine the vanilla line is way, way longer than the chocolate or the strawberry line. I feel like it’s the wrong philosophy to ask, “What can we do to convince the vanilla people to like strawberry more?” It makes more sense to say, “We need more vanilla ice cream!”

So we need way more DPS! Guys! Aren’t you happy?

Yup, i’m sure people that exclusively play DPS are going to be happy about it but what about the other 2 roles? The game is marketed as a class based shooter.

For what it count i’ll just stop playing tank and only play dps or just drop the game if this is going live…and to be worth it (the OW2 wait) there should be at least 4 tanks 2 dps and 3 supports

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Rofl, I’m sorry to break it to you, but this is just a “for fun” little experiment, role que is not going anywhere because it is the best thing that has happened to OW.

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Just hope they scrap it, instead of something else to replace it. Good old MM with freedom to do whatever we want pls. People can go blame each other for losses all they want, it is nothing new and it did not change with RQ anyways.

So yea really hope they do not come up with some new Frankenstein moster, just look at the monstrosity that is hero pools, cause player picked bans on a game basis is to mainstream for them :sweat_smile:

Desperately trying to be market leaders again when they have long gone the limelight by and become chasers instead. The best they could do is at least doing a decent job of copying the stuff instead of screwing that part up to.

Sorry but its never gonna happen. Cause psychological thing. No one likes the role of being a tank in games. And it does not matter if they are OP cause the reward is crap to. Top 500 tanks matters jack to people, even less so if they were OP, that is the trick with 3 separate ladders. If any role has a facerol hero that gives instant top 500 no ones gonna care about that role. So you can not run them on steroids either for cheap player influx. However if there was only 1 ladder this would work, but you would have to deal with the people feeling cheated on top 500 rankings for not playing tanks, and probably depending how many tanks were OP have people fight over whom got to play them. But yea making a hero OP to that degree would throw the balance out the window. Dunno if this game can survive another mercy, brig or doomfist not getting nerfed for months on end.

So is yours. But his opinion is about giving players a choice while yours is to demand everyone bends to your will.