Hope you didnt want to get into the BETA

No, but they’re immediately getting a golden ticket to see the chocolate factory. The rest of us have to stuff ourselves with chocolate just for the chance.

Except in this case the chocolate is RNG and a bunch of hopium.


Hot Take:

Content Creators should get special treatment because they have an audience and can therefore increase the reach of the beta access to as many people as possible.
I mean it sucks for sure, but we are literal nobodies. I am pretty sure that us normal players would just play the beta as sort of an Early Access instead of actually doing any marketing for Blizz.

Although with that being said I am hoping that content creators have their own pool of candidates instead of being in the same pool as the general public in which there’s already thousands of us already fighting for our spot.


Damn these forums are entitled :laughing: wait I already knew that


Sign up doesn’t mean they’ll will let you in without a Twitch channel.

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Then beta may as well do not exist.

I highly doubt they will pick any randoms for the first beta.

Maybe only for the last one when everyone else has lost interest.

And by that time all wrong moves already made and can not be undone.

I expect OW2 to be like OW1, just even more extreme - excellent UI for watching game, maybe even integrated streaming support(just link your Twitch account and press a button) and absolutely awful gameplay, if you have to participate in one. With smurfing being integral part of game, too - stomping on newbies gains plenty of views.

They may not have audience anymore, if this continues. As they can’t even give away OW2 beta keys.

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Some of you care too much about frivolous things

Oh no, you might not get into the beta! Like who cares? Boohoo, you don’t get to play a gimped version of the game early, what a crying shame

I say it time and again, y’all need to find other games or hobbies and stop this ridiculous dependency on Overwatch.


I have a good feeling streamers and content creators will be filling up seperate slots without taking any of ours, hence the separate place to sign up. Either way, I’d rather content creators playing the beta even if it means I don’t get to as long as it brings widespread attention to it. We should aim to get the interest as many people as possible.


“When you mentally visual yourself not getting into the BETA and you make peace with it, then you won’t be disappointed” - Sun Tzu

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Yes, and?? Lol? Do you not understand how these things work? Content creators with large audiences are given Beta keys so they can, you know, make content about the beta for their large audiences? That’s called logic? Are companies supposed to NOT be intelligent?

They are also getting them separately which means they aren’t “taking” anyone’s spot from the normal Beta draws?


Are you sure there would be our spots to begin with? Because I am not.

To hell with content, need actual game. Not some “bla bla bla” from talking head on Twitch.

Putting fan’s loyalty to their content creators to the test this way is NOT a good idea.

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No surprise there, not that I care if I get in or not bcs Moira is gonna be big doo doo still either way lol, the only thing I’m interested in is the PvE (which isn’t in the beta anyway)

Didn’t play this game in forever… apart from for that Reaper skin and honestly that was just hours of pure agony lol.


Lol, i feel you man…

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could you imagine if 30 years later to the day people not getting into the OW2 beta sparked riots all over the country?

Too bad. You don’t even LIKE this game. You’ve expressed for YEARS how you DON’T like Overwatch at it’s core and instead want it to be an entirely different game that it’s never going to be. Why are you even still on here?


im pretty sure emmong has streams that hit 60k+ regularly, and if you include tim, xqc, disrespect etc

That number blows up easily, not to mention all of them post it on youtube after streaming which means easily you get more than a million views we are talking probably
5 mil overall atleast.

so there is nothing wrong with the strategy as long as the public beta isnt too far off.

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gosh man that’s tough, you probably joined in one of the roughest phase bliz has ever been, really awesome to see you keeping it cool.

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Do people really misunderstand things at this level? Like for real, I am not sure if this is a disingenuous post trying to create outrage or someone doesnt even understand that Content Creators or People that can advertise “professionally” the game have different channels to get betas/alphas.



I dont know if your trying to be funny. If not, you really missed the ball on this one.