Honestly what is the drawback

Make a solo que. Sure it will increase que times for stacked players but they have a friend to talk to and wait with in que who cares. Quit forcing solo players to play with 4 stacks that completely ignore then and refuse to heal/peal for them.

Could probably be a full 3 ranks higher with solo ques. I don’t think I have ever won one.

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The drawback, it is totally unnecesary.

If you solo queue. Most of your games are with and against other solo players anyways.

plus, the whole point of Overwatch in ranked aspect is trying climb and prove you can keep winning in different circumstances. How well do you adapt to maps, modes, meta shifts, playing against stacks, playing against various skill levels.

A hard solo queue would just dilute the point of the game.

Other games have tried solo options, and they’ve never been that popular

Copium is strong with this one.


For real, every competitive game that added a solo mode has been a massive success. Brings in more new players aswell

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Name one…
Some more characters.

I will be harder for actiblizz to rig games. It is very convenient to drop stacks against solos and control the winner’s, loser’s queue.


A good chunk of games have at least 1 duo on each team and if you get the mercy lw duo and they have the ana genji it’s very fun

Oh no … how will we cope…

That is correct. Why is that you say? Coz as much as I would love to say I game with the boys every night. I do not. We all have kids, yes, all the 90s kids have children of their own. You know those that grew up gaming, are gaming and can actually pay for things. It’s a huge chunk of the audience. And they can no perfectly sync up with their friends all the time. If the game is not offering the experience they want, they leave and play something that does.

Sadly some kids also have no friends, and in some cases they are just better than their friends and wants some sort of variation. There are tons of reasons why people want solo queue and the only, the only pseudo argument is “but the community get split”. No game gets harder to exploit. That is what happens. Solo queue will reflect your individual ability and team queue will be more competitive than ever.


But I love getting rolled by people that are clearly grouped and have group strategies. IF you are solo it’s not a wide group. Equally skilled players playing as a team can preform ranks above actual rank. At least if there was a solo queue you would know they are actually using comms.

Im sure you already know of multiple including the most successful one of the past decade😉

The only games I’ve played that have had solo queue modes were Warzone and Apex.

Warzone was awful. I think they’ve ran it maybe twice in 3/4 years.

Apex, is a little more popular. Even then they don’t run it often as it isn’t that popular.

If you really want solo queue Overwatch. Ranked Deathmatch, or a Ranked 1v1 mode is what you’d need.

Fortnite was the answer, I figured you would dodge that one because of its success. As much as I dont like those games either, apex, warzone and a few others their success has gone up with solo queue modes. All 3 of which are more successful with more players then OW atm.

Apex solos is a mode now fyi. Before that they added duos which does just fine. The community begged for solos for years.

A hugely competitive game that people play for a living is trials of osiris in D2 and even they have a solos, duos and trios matchmaker.

If I wanted to play 1v1 I would play fighting games, which I do. Play them more then OW now days as its truly skill based. No sbmm, no mmr, no ebmm, no bell curve ladder.

Nobody wants overwatch 1v1 ranked lol, they want regular comp with fair matches. Anywho thats my take on it.

Take care

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Or… I’ve never played it… (well. I played for about 5 minutes once, BR games truly are utter tedium to me. Only tolerate Apex and Warzone because mates played it.)

Also proves my sort of point… all 3 games have 1 thing in common… battle royale.

They already get that, they just want to blame the game for player mistakes, players not caring, and a casual audience. They’ll call “forced” this and “forced” that, and “rigged” and all that nonsense.

A solo queue mode in OW is purely in the box of these that want unlimited avoids. It is the “games rigged” crowd trying to rig the game for themselves.

This is true you may not have played it. Apologies for the rude response.

In my experience I have not seen any fair matches yet this season. Its hard roll or be rolled on Multiple accounts multiple elos same heroes and playstyle.

The devs said they are constantly improving things so we will see what season 13 brings.

No worries, it is the forums, it is how most people talk to me :rofl:

a match that ends up being a roll, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fair match on paper. In most cases (probably nearly all) it will be on paper a fair match.

Overwatch is a snowbally game. It is why they make new modes favour defenders more and more.

Clash… Literally just a win first point then just back and forth till you win.
Push… you get to a point where it is so heavily against the attackers that completion is unlikely unless one team totally sh!ts the bed (or just gives up).

In all the other modes, if you uses your ults efficiently and use the map effectively you can pretty much snowball every game, because most players you’ll be playing against won’t do that. It is literally the objective of the game. Overwatch isn’t meant to be played where you win a fight and sit there and wait for the enemy to come back for a fair reengage. You are meant to win the fight and throttle the life out of them until they find a way to stop you.

“Roll or be rolled” isn’t a bad thing. People just don;'t like being on the receiving end. But there is a very easy way to not get rolled… Play better.

I would 100% say play better but if im say a diamond/masters players losing in gold due to my team being gold but the enemy being diamond/masters also in gold. Well thats poor game design.

In ow1 that would rarely ever happen and I was in the correct ranking my entire climb on my main. From bronze to the tippity top on doomfist.

But in ow2 every single match is just one team stomping the other. Pros are now talking about it, wanted and arrge are far lower then they have ever been. T500 now starts in D1. So something is clearly off

Im done ranting now though lol

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So you diamond/master + 4 golds. Lost to diamond/master + 4 golds.

Not sure I see the issue there.

That is just because far less people can be bothered to do 50+ games atm. So after the reset, these players you mention will have dropped but their MMR wouldn’t have changed. So they are “Diamond 1” but playing in master/gm lobbies.

So they aren’t “climbing” because the reset was a stupid idea and only really works if everyone grinds the life out of the game. People just can’t be bothered with that anymore.

Lol no thats thats not been my experience. When those matches happen I usually win them. What happens is….It puts a higher mmr player with lower mmr players to balance them out vs a full high mmr team.

So if I play solo its me with all golds vs a team of all my skill. They have no golds they are all diamond/masters. In cod or other games yes that works. Not in OW because you cant carry solo.

The amount of videos and pictures I have saved of this absurd. The fact pros have called it out and showed while streaming is also crazy.

Since our experiences of this game are vastly different il just agree to disagree with ya.

Hoppin off these forums for awhile as im goin on an OW break for Ragnarok PC release.

Take care

Ow2 matchmaking uses nowadays what they call “role delta”. So they will try to match people with similar ratings on each role.

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