Honestly so disappointed with overwatch 2

Sigh. You are again missing the point… the devs stated clearly in no equivocal terms they are developing for mobile. That means not one, but two things:

  1. they are not counting on streaming initially as most people don’t have it, and even if they do the constraints on playing on a small screen like a phone are very different from a monitor…

  2. they are considering the mindset of the mobile audience…

Now, which part is confusing here?

Read this please: https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/blizzard-reportedly-planned-to-release-overwatch-mobile-alongside-overwatch-2-1537070/

I said it before and I’ll say it again, your feelings aren’t facts, you have no proof of things moving one way or the other, you have the past sure and you can try and come up with an outcome based on it but to claim that you know exactly how things will play out is simply preposterous. A true unbiased position takes in account the past for sure but ALL of it, you’re choosing to pick only the negatives and apply them to the future

what is a positive thing that has happened in the past? they won game of the year on release, OW exploded so hard in popularity that people like you are still here talking about this forsaken game years after they declared they wouldn’t be actively working to update it

Do you want to use the past to judge blizz? then do so objectively but considering the metaphor you used about arsenic it is clear to me that you have no way to look beyond your own nose, this discussion is over

The game is hard dead on arrival because it’s really looking bad

Why won’t you let the MM short itself out and bring you to a slower elos, where hitscan dps will miss all their shots? Slow players play with/against slow players and fast players play with/against fast players?

It s a win-win for everyone.

Without commenting on the game itself and what it will/won’t be, it honestly seems like Blizzard’s really trying their hardest to make OW2 seem as… unwelcoming and disinteresting as possible

You can tuck the ego away.

I wasn’t debating whether OW is coming to mobile.

If you were slightly less patronizing, you would see that.

A true unbiased position takes in account the past for sure but ALL of it, you’re choosing to pick only the negatives and apply them to the future

I’m not.

what is a positive thing that has happened in the past? they won game of the year on release, OW exploded so hard in popularity that people like you are still here talking about this forsaken game years after they declared they wouldn’t be actively working to update it

Yes, but this isn’t an entirely new release.

We are not complaining about everything, we are being very specific about the problems we are talking about.

Do you want to use the past to judge blizz

Is it unreasonable to ignore the past if you are going to predict the future.

but considering the metaphor you used about arsenic

WHAT?!? I didn’t do so. You have confused me with someone else.

I am calling out exactly what you said which was to assume I was thinking it’s about standalone mobile devices vs. streaming. No “Ego”, it was a simple statement; the game is unquestionably being reworked to over time support mobile play for players with a different set of skills on a different form factor, which includes a different footprint and playstyle.

You are yet to provide an example of this.

I did with a full list, did you miss it? Let me repeat:

Simplified play with smaller maps, fewer characters in play, common role passives, simpler mechanics with fewer options, oh, and direct statement by Blizzard on their direction:




I mean, when they stand up in 2018 proudly talking about mobile to a PC audience… :man_shrugging:

The writing is on the wall folks…

And yet… they are fine with nerfing supports into oblivions and dropping tanks to single roles. But by the gods don’t touch any overpowered DPS character for they are sacred.

Where are you getting ‘smaller maps’ from? They’re on record multiple saying that new OW2 maps are bigger than the ones in OW1.

5v5 was done to reduce Damage queue times. It’s an iteration of the 1-3-2 format after they spent months trying to make that work in 2020. It was on the Experimental Card in January (February?) and Jeff was still talking about it as a potential OW2 thing in June/July of that year.

Role passives are an extra level of complexity, considering all individual hero passives, abilities and mechanics are still in-place. I’m not sure how you call that “simplification”.

The articles you keep linking (Dexerto is a garbage site if you didn’t know, btw) refer to ‘Overwatch Mobile’ as a separate title to Overwatch 2. They’re not the same thing. We know Blizzard wanted to make a mobile Overwatch game. It isn’t happening anymore. It’s very likely one of the projects that Tracy Kennedy was alluding to when she said that the Overwatch team were forced by Bobby Kotick to waste months of OW2 development time on projects that were eventually scrapped.

Overwatch 2 will be playable on mobile… via Game Pass cloud streaming. And that’s it.

The problem with going for the typical FPS crowd is that other games do it better. People aren’t going to leave apex or valorant for this. They were better off going for a niche audience.


Study the areas - the original statement was “smaller maps” but even if that is the one point different, the rest point to a simpler, easier to grasp play. I mean to even question that many of these changes aren’t inline with mobile play is absurd.

I think you are in denial on this one.

The statements made in the Dextero are direct quotes by Blizzard, they stand on their own… and they are not the only sources on that. I mean why you can’t see the obvious here I can only assume is either just sheer blindness or you so love OW you can’t see it is being degraded.

Common role passives are not an extra level of complexity, they are a flattening of kits and how they operate and the variables you have to track (Moira for instance must lose her self-heal on drain in this, and Brig loses her self-heal due to proc). The mechanics are being simplified so far in every kit with the possible exception of Sombra. Name one kit that has gained something unless its part of a flat out rework like Orisa? None.

I am not saying it can’t be a good game; I am saying (and OWL pros have already made statements about it) that the game is going to be simpler; its simpler in no small part to appeal to the broader mobile audience which is used to simpler games with less thought.

Wishful thinking of the highest order here… mobile gaming dwarfs PC; to think that MS coming in and buying these IP’s without an eye towards mobile revenues is naivete of the highest order… they are buying them because they allow them a firm gateway of IP’s into that market… On Kennedy, you literally have no idea what she was referring to (if she was even giving an accurate picture is another question), literally you are projecting your own scenario onto that statement. No one does a “mobile project” for months… they have targeted that since at least 2018, and probably were mulling it over before.

My guess is a large part of the delays also include their first foray into the mobile world (and anyone thinking this is all streaming is kidding themselves at this point). Sure it might evolve to be just that, but not in the near future, its a guarantee that a local client is in order, perhaps not with all the assets, they might be transient in part. But even if it is just streaming, the point is the games are being streamlined for mobile players… who generally are not as hardcore (to date) as PC… though that could change.

I mean anyone doubting that the game is being retooled along with the other IPs for that market because it was MS who bought them needs to wake up…

I don’t know if the NY Times is considered a reliable enough source on the question, but here is their take on the acquisition: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/19/technology/microsoft-activision-games.html

Guess putting out jobs for mobile device developers was just imaginary too?

Well, no use arguing with your wild speculation, I guess.

One of the problem with many ability based games (even Valorant) is that after a while, the playerbase learns what works and what doesn’t and starts using broken hero synergies and abuse map trigonometry in a way that removes counter-play.

Overwatch in particular, suffers from this slightly more than other games because of how team-reliant the game is and how little impact a single player has. The gameplay experience in OWL completely different than solo Q.

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“Wild Speculation” that was directly discussed in a NY Times article on why MS bought Blizzard? “Wild speculation” ? OMG… the company said they want to do an OW mobile game, among others, and all IPs going forward would emphasize mobile and every analyst on the acquisition knows this isn’t about just Xbox…

if the leaks are true the game will slow down in OW2 and will be filled with dive heroes and tanks are going to be fun although support will still be good for DPS it seems.

I mean as long as it’s balanced for the OWL it’s balanced for everyone.

I assume that older players will also want the few tanks with shields as opposed to dive tanks as they are used to them. Remember when Rein was the only tank with a shield and they had to make more tanks with shields because people kept complaining that his shield made him a must pick. I feel a 2.0 of this coming up.

Not always. OWL shouldn’t be the end all be all for deciding whether balance is in a good spot or not. They should be taken into consideration, but not made into the definitive factor.

After all, even the pros came to a mutual agreement to not use Sombra during the Overwatch 2.0 stream due to the hero being way too over-tuned, when the developers should’ve easily recognized that (same with them being surprised that Tracer was dominating backlines, and Zarya being under-played).

This is probably the most wrong statement I have ever heard on these forums.