Honestly so disappointed with overwatch 2

Just… wow. You know the game that us older overwatch fans didnt want? The fast, obnoxious one full of hitscans, supports as dps food and terrible tanks? You know, the one we warned them about for about 2 and a half years every time they made in a change in that general direction?

Yep, that’s the game they made!

At this point I’m convinced it’s just a cruel joke. Like, they’re trying to piss off their community as much as humanly possible. I have pretty much no confidence left in this game. I mean that holy and truly. Overwatch 2 was their chance to win back faith that they’ve lost over the years, and theyve completely blew it. New heroes are still broken, hitscans are still dominant, tanks suck, supports are pointless, tracer is still broken and the game is way too fast to be overwatch. Have they learned literally nothing? And before anyone says anything, let me address a few points people will probably have;

Wow, complaining about a game you’ve never played?

I dont need to play it. The gameplay speaks for itself. This game is literally the same as the first one, except now supports are much worse, and flankers are like 5 times better. That’s pretty much the only difference.

Well this is why they have the alpha/beta, to test things.

They shouldn’t have NEEDED an alpha. These things are obvious. And let’s all be honest with ourselves here, even with the alpha I doubt a majority of our concerns will actually be addressed. They even mentioned flankers being very powerful TWO YEARS AGO at blizzcon, and they still didnt bother doing anything.

They could still fix the game before releasing.

You’re right. They could. But, with their track record, they either won’t, or it’ll take another 3 years. And beyond that, the true reason I’m so mad… wtf have they been doing for 3 years? Theyve had all this time to make the game, and only just now are they realizing basic issues that come from the change to 5v5 such as supports being less peeled for? Like, seriously? Not to mentioned the new hero is completely broken. She’s been in testing for what, like a year and a half to 2 years now? And she’s still completely insane? If sojourn is like this what hope do we have for the rest of the new heroes?

This alpha quite literally makes you feel like theyve been doing pretty much nothing for the past 2.5 years, not factoring in story or PvE. Basic problems that should have been identified when the game was first announced are still in the game after all this time, and we can only pray that they’re fixed.

I wish people would stop defending the team for this type of stuff. I’ve always supported the overwatch team, and I know that especially in the year of 2021 they went through a lot, but frankly this is unacceptable. It is completely unacceptable for the pvp to be in such a half baked underdeveloped and short sighted state after 3 years, possibly more, of development.

I am interested to gauge how you all feel about this though. Share your thoughts with me. I just needed to vent.


I have the feeling many tank players will drop in rank. They won’t know how to be the ONLY tank. They will also likely be reported if they don’t play a tank that the other 4 players want them to play. It’s going to be a rocky road and will likely be a massive fail, but it will be fun for a while maybe.


Despite all the apologies, they must’ve known people have been clawing at any info and saying small things like “Tracer is doing too good in the back line” is going to have a snowball effect. So for them to seemingly do little to temper our fears for each event around OW2 has been so weird to me.
Maybe they’ve been getting such great feedback from the pros and content creators playing OW2 that they forgot the actual community is still extremely skeptical.
They need to pretty much ‘reannounce’ the game to get hype going again. (Though, they did announce it at a pretty bad time originally with the pandemic after)


lol, SR as a whole will be a mess if not adjusted for.
Think of all the returning players vs players currently playing. “I used to be Diamond”
Adjustments will need to be made at the very least.


This statement says it all. At some point the decision became “let’s make OW a mobile game” - not by accident the whole furor over the “you have phone’s don’t you” comment at 2018 Blizzcon showed the world their new direction. OW 2 is a direct design change to accommodate that market, which if you are business, and Blizz is a business, then it makes sense for them. They removed a slot from teams, lowered the skill ceilings and floors in general with things like common passives, smaller maps, removal of 2cp, etc.

To your point, everyone predicted the problems that would crop up, and it was laughable to hear that right out of the game flankers are an issue. Tracer is the main culprit, as long as the game is designed around that kit, there will always be problems of balance in the game. They should have designed the game around Soldier: 76, not Tracer. She would have been less mobile, probably allowing Genji more opportunities, and we would not have had to resort to other problem kits like Moira and Brig.

In “fairness”, during that period the CA investigation has been looming which we didn’t know but I am sure led to huge distraction and possibly even infighting or distancing between employees in a toxic culture internally. Add to that the MS buyout that is in progress didn’t come out of the blue, I am pretty darn sure Jeff left just about the time the investigation was about to go public, and the MS acquisition was pretty clear it was going to be green-lit. On top of that, they had to worry about OWL which was exploding on launch… let’s not forget too that the Team Four that works on OW at Blizz was understaffed, and only gained a 20% injection of developers last year, that too has an impact, and the “we won’t release it till it’s a good game” corporate value, which has led to some stellar games but at the same time some major sinkholes of money like Project Titan that was resurrected into OW 1. Add to that the lead character designer is well known to simply not have the skill to balance games along with the use of primarily Gold/Plat playtesters… :roll_eyes:

Guess what I am trying to say is, the outcome of it all doesn’t surprise me, and I will probably enjoy the PVE as a throwaway experience, but yeah this version upcoming of PVP will be a balance nightmare and aimed at 12 year-olds on phones and pads… what a shame. Honestly, I might have to take up Valorant or something…


I said in another thread that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game that has so effectively split and alienated its’ own audience. A casual game suddenly trying to go serious e-sports while still having casual systems in place and while still releasing heroes that fit into its’ core casual design but not that of a serious e-sports title (cuz “competitive integrity” and whatever). Fyi, it’s NO coincidence why OW is “my first online FPS” for so many people. Its’ marketing heavily featured non-traditional heroes like Mercy and Winston, basically screaming how everyone is welcome.

But then with their later choices, what a mess of a clashing interests/designs it became. So what do they do now? They homogenize the whole game to cater to their e-sports fantasies, to please the largest but most fickle audience. They were a big fish in a pond but they then entered the sea which has tons of other big fish.

Though I say maybe at this point it’s better than keep doing this weird pretense between the two. It just ends up pissing off everyone. They just should have picked their damn focus AGES ago. Cuz like I said: they have done amazing job splitting and alienating their own freaking audience.


Just doing things like the Arcade and Workshop and even allowing and OQ mode with its own “competitive” mode was stupid quite frankly and complaining about queue times, it just further subdivided the game.

A very easy change to the game that would help : limit to one shield tank per team. Everyone goes “but what’s ifs zomeone’s only plays da shield tanks” line - look, its clear people in many cases would rather not play shield tanks, I find it hard often to even get one shield tank, and flexing is the name of the game in OW… but this single change alone would have helped the game. First guy who selects shield, gets it. This literally is no different than if someone took your main before you did… It astounded me this was not even tried. That’s just one example where common sense measures are just thrown to the wind and not tried…

Getting rid of Brig’s AOE healing when this was for a year the main driver in GOATS… and she still has it… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Did I miss something cause…

What gameplay?

Have we seen genuine game play of OW2 that wasn’t un-specific matches showing off new maps. And the Pro exhibition barely counts because it wasn’t even using the Alpha / Beta. It was using a work-shopped version of the live game.


Remember the comics of Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football… yeah, you are being Charlie at this point…


That doesn’t answer my question. :rofl:

and I’m barely old enough to understand that reference. So your also semi-lucky.

We wanted a fleshed out sequel, not a mobile version of Overwatch.

Sadly, they’re going for the mobile version and dumbing down everything into a generic fps.


Basically, Lucy would hold the football for Charlie to kick; they would have dialog where she promised not to pull it away causing Charlie to fly up in the air and land on his back. AFAIK, he bought it ever time and she yanked the ball away; the parable being people will fall for something repeatedly despite past behavior because they buy their own false beliefs fed by someone else…

Game is not even out yet.


If you have had experience with Blizz, you learn how to read from what they say how it will go. We don’t need it to be out quite frankly.

Case in point, I was 90% sure the game was going 5 v 5 when everyone else said it was crazy. I was almost certain because in an interview later after the 1 tank test on the XP card, Jeff spoke glowingly about the benefits of 1 tank. I knew then that OW 1 would quite likely go 5 v 5, and when I predicted it people laughed me off, but if had enough experience with Blizz and listening to them, you know what to expect from them. They don’t often surprise you. I also predicted the soft rework of Brig for RQ, and the subsequent nerfing of Moira in time after Brig was settled down, long before they occurred.

So again, my latest prediction; OW 2 will start strong, get a lot of buzz, and it will be a flash in the pan for about a year; then the cracks will show and people will start leaving, bored with PVE with slow updates and a broken PVP game that favors mindless brawl for 12 year-olds and the IP will stutter financially. At that point; MS will step in and a full on house cleaning of the dev staff including the character design/balance team will occur. If I was GG, I’d be polishing up that resume…


Supports were always dps/dive food until brig showed up. You had… what? Mercy, Zen, and Ana?


And people hated it with good reason, and it wasn’t a sustainable model for play. You cannot ask people to go into a game knowing some OTP on Tracer is going to destroy you and enjoy it after say ten hours of play… hypermobility is and always will be the root problem in OW… it’s the Original Sin that was never addressed.


Eh, TF2 Medic is pretty popular, and so is Paladins IO, and the only real reason I liked playing support back then is because I find mercy fun. A weird thing to say, but some people find it fun to be “prey”
Thats also why Dead by Daylight is so popular.

I think it’s safe to say this was not the case with the broad community in OW.

Maybe when Dive was meta, and especially before 2-2-2, but before that, support was fine where it was.

I don’t disagree; the problem is there is a hardcore contingent that only OTP Tracer, etc. and want perpetual dive metas. I cannot see a reasonable game where any meta basically means destroying a role without reasonable counters.