Honestly need help

I cannot for the absolute life of me figure out how to escape Gold. I have tried so many times. SO many times. And I just can’t. Any time I am about to hit Platinum I get the worst teams possible and lose all my rank. I’ve been trying to rank up for hours tonight and I’ve instead deranked to Gold 4 because of teammates. I’ll admit! Sometimes I’m the bad teammate! I’m not asking to get into Masters or something crazy! Platinum 5 is fine! I just don’t know what I need to do to rank up because I obviously have to be doing something wrong if this happens every. single. season.

Are there tips??? Should I not be switching heroes to adjust to the enemy / my own team and just stick with one??? Should I give up on my team and focus solely on my own individual stats?? Should I just give up entirely??? I genuinely do not know what to do. Please god help.

When you have a good match with teammates in chat who are working together, stay as a team. You can win a string of matches by grouping up.

Create a new account. If you can’t get platinum 5 on it, then you don’t deserve it. You even can double check to make sure.

I could say once again on this forum that matchmaking is completely rigged, but this time I will refrain, and give such simple advice.


If you can’t make it out of gold then that’s a blaring sign that you’re at the rank you’re supposed to be at. Playing more does not equate to higher rank. Only increasing your own skill at the game and characters is going to help. Trying to pick a role or hero to main and start at mastering and working from there.

And believing in backwards conspiracies like the game being rigged against you is just a crutch and easy excuse for people to blame anyone other than themselves for their losses.


Like the guy above me said the game is rigged. The system intentionally prolongs the grind to keep you engaged* so you play more and maybe spend more money in shop.

If you do consider creating a new account then I suggest at least getting a vpn, because the system can possibly recognize it is you on an alt and rig your games the same way from the start and put you in the exact same rank.

Remember that rank is more or less meaningless in a game with 0 competitive integrity. Gold is a decent rank for a legit player in a game overrun by cheaters. Your MMR rank might also be different from your visible rank, check the rank of your opponents, if majority of the time they are plat to diamond then that is your actual rank.

Additional tips would be: stop playing comp immediately when you see that the game is feeding you forced losses. These usually have the same pattern - potatoes in your team, competent players, grouped stacks or stacks of cheaters in the enemy team.

Always try to hardcounter enemies that are doing the most damage to your team, if you are playing tank sometimes it is better to play into your tank’s hardcounter in order to counter enemy dps that are wiping the floor with your team.

Identify cheaters in enemy and your team. Always hardcounter the cheaters from the start and swap whenever you die, if you are playing support prioritize healing/pocketing the cheater on your team, so they can more easily take out enemy cheaters.


I’ve peaked as high as diamond 1 over the last 7 years or so, and I can tell you at EVERY SINGLE time I’ve been about to make it to the next tier whether it was silver, gold, plat, diamond, and even masters, I experienced very challenging games whether it was being put against a team that was 2-3 divisions above my rank up (200-300 SR) or being on a team where I felt that my team significantly under performed…

IDK man I hate feeding into conspiracies without proof but anecdotally this has been my experience. I’ve never really taken it to heart I just (in my head) tell myself it’s a forced “skill check” game blizzard throws at you to -make sure- you deserve your rank up.

gl to you tho man.

EDIT: keep in mind… every time you make it to one of these ‘rank up’ moments it’s LITERALLY the highest rated game you’ve ever experienced so even if the game FEELS like it’s screwing you… you are literally in a lobby with the (on average) highest rated players you’ve ever played with to date so that’s a factor whether you realize it or not. Every rank plays differently than the one below it. Strats and teamplay behaviors that worked in silver don’t work in gold anymore, or in plat, or in diamond. what felt right in gold won’t fly in plat and you haven’t experienced plat games enough to know it yet. that’s my thoughts.


there are general tips that can be applied across all roles within the competitive landscape.

however, the best thing you could do, is either get some coaching, or ask for VOD review. understand that if you get a VOD review, the point is to make clear your mistakes, so it will mostly be negative feedback with the odd compliment thrown in.

if you need tank or dps help i could do a brief review of a game of yours


The game is rigged. Stop playing for a couple weeks on that account, then come back and watch how ur first games will be a piece of cake, once the game sees ur hooked again watch how u start getting quitters, throwers and braindead teamm8s again. Either that or become part of the problem, do what most people have decided to do and just forget about rank and play whatever u want whenever u want wether ur 50-4 or 3-20.


The harsh thing is, remember its gold. These people play roughly ok but make mistakes. You cannot simply follow them. You need to more or less ensure however they play, it can be a success.

With a better team on support I only heal and kill what tries to come for me or a free poke shot.

With a bad team on support I kill a enemy before the fight starts because I can’t trust them to win a full team fight just with heals.

the whole thing with different account… Plausable, it feels harder on this one. but all of mine are more or less at the same rank.

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You just show that you deserve the rank

I’ll tell you a secret. In this world, everyone is trying to deceive you and get something.
Denying the existence of certain manipulation mechanisms in a free product that is aimed at making a profit from in-game stores is naive.
If we were discussing politics, I would understand your opinion. But we are discussing a game, technology, data, market product.
I think broadly, I am not satisfied with the marketing, manipulative position of “play more, be better”.
This is what the developer is counting on when creating the rigged system, in the hope that a player will give in to reflection and blame himself for defeats, so that he plays more and more.

Who told you that me or this guy doesn’t improve his skills? Who said that he really doesn’t get better? The game is not a person, it works on certain algorithms, scripts, statistics. That’s why many get stuck on ranks. Because over a long period of collecting statistics, the game digs you into a rank. I would be happy to show you how these algorithms work, since I am a future game developer myself, I know how to do something like this, but I’m tired of proving things to people on forums. Several of my threads regarding the game’s problems were reported by trolls and removed.
I don’t tell people to blame their teammates, but I would never tell them to always blame only themselves. There, as in life, there are things that are beyond your control, so it’s stupid to blame only yourself.

Just give such people support and they will understand after a while what THEIR mistake is. Instead you deny that the game is rigged, although it is rigged. I don’t know how after so many years of existence of EOMM and Battlefield/COD matchmaking systems people naively believe that only your skills determine your rank.

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Just like your trying to do by pushing this theory lmao

Exactly lmfao a GAME :joy: one that is being taken way too seriously if you’re going o constantly cry about grand conspiracy that YOU are never the reason for your losses and it’s all predetermined by some mysterious and nefarious algorithm, that if it actually existed to the extend you are pushing, the company would have 0 support or financial backing from anyone and the player base would be completely gone.

Further proof that this conspiracy is bull, if it WAS true and rigged against you, then you wouldn’t keep playing it. And if you do keep playing it while it’s rigged against you and you KNOW it is, then it’s STILL on you.

The situation you are explaining is “I keep eating at this restaurant and often get food poisoning. They’re doing it intentionally!” Okay, then 2 options. A: they are trying to poison you and you should stop going there, if you keep going while thinking they’re poisoning you, then that’s just on you for being dumb enough to keep subjecting yourself to it just to keep crying about the results that you have admitted to already knowing would happen.
Or B (and the easier option): there’s not some grand conspiracy where a company is intentionally running their product into the ground and no one is out to get you.

Even more: if the game WAS rigged like you’re saying then NO ONE would be ranking up. So 90% or more of profiles registered for the game are proof against your backwards conspiracy lmao

Long story short take accountability for your own skill or lack thereof. Not everyone is supposed to be diamond or masters. Some people are supposed to be silver or gold or plat. But if you want to keep using your crutch, do it in silence rather than drowning the forums in tears over your own lacking.

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Because without the source code, even with obvious algorithms, patterns, no one can prove anything. This is mean. And it is very convenient for the developer, because no one will ever get the source code, and anyone who dares to leak it to the network will have to deal with the court for disclosure of confidential information.
So, as I said, everything works on manipulation and marketing “play more, be better”.
And as long as that’s the case, people like you will call people like me schizo and conspiracy theorists, just because you don’t like other people’s opinions, but like the game.
It’s too easy to label people, rise above it.

I am not talking to you about magic or a government conspiracy., I am talking about hypotheses that have a huge chance of existing, based on technology, on real things and i even give reasons why such a system exists. As a game developer, I can simulate such a thing. Isn’t that enough of an argument for you? This system can be implemented, and I don’t see any logical reason why a large company wouldn’t add it to a game if there is real profit to be made from it.
For me personally, this is no longer a hypothesis, but a fact. Your opinion is different, it’s ok, but don’t label people with different opinions.

This is why many overwatch players moved to Marvel Rivals. Because they were fed up with Overwatch’s terrible matchmaking and character balance. But before that, they HAD NO CHOICE, coz Overwatch is a unique game.
I, continue to play knowing that the matchmaking is rigged just because of the gameplay and character design. But I will never put effort into this game again knowing that it will be a waste of time, I don’t want to swim against the current anymore.

Believing in the strong influence of skills in Overwatch is the height of naivety. There are a huge number of characters in the game that break the rule: Skill == impact. Counter picks in this game have, if not the main, then a very large influence on the outcome of the match, do not even argue with this.
And we haven’t even talked about the existence of losing streaks and winning streaks, which would not be an adequate phenomenon if the game were truly based on your skills.

Stop labeling people and think beyond your comfortable position that shields you from the truth and negative emotions. You hid behind this position so as not to lose interest in your favorite game, it’s a defensive reaction, no one likes the truth.

Wow lmao how are you so self aware yet so completely oblivious and ignorant of what you just said :joy: you just PERFECTLY describe EXACLY what your false conspiracy is pushing. Denying the uncomfortable truth about your ability at the game.

Again, if you want to keep crying over your own lack of ability the game and hide from the truth that you just might not be good (which is totally fine BECAUSE IT IS A MEANINGLESS GAME KID😂)

I’m done talking with a brick wall so have fun staying miserable and blaming everything and everyone other than yourself lol maybe learn accountability? Goes a long way in and out of game kiddo

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I actively worked on my mistakes(even trained in kovaak’s for about 400 hours) and got the rank I wanted, I could go further, but I burned out and thought that this game was not worth my time and effort.
I said what I wanted. You have chosen a very convenient position and I have nothing more to say to you.

LMFAO you just keep proving my side with everything post you make :joy: you literally just admitted that by practicing and getting better you got the rank you wanted, and could have gone higher with more practice. YOU are taking the convention position of “it couldn’t possibly be me I have to blame others for my own mistakes and shortcomings”. You’re actively telling people to take the path you didn’t take, when the path you took worked. So again, misinformation and backwards conspiracies :joy::joy::joy: actually hilarious trolling on your part now

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I knew you would say that, so I’m explaining. It doesn’t change anything.

My job was not only to fix my gameplay mistakes, but also to understand how the game’s matchmaking works. Over time, I adapted to patterns in the form of losing streaks/winning streaks, developed certain rules to increase the rank, and not stand still.
Moreover, at certain moments I received a rank that I did not play for.

To be honest, after getting stuck at one rank, I openly started smurfing because the game wouldn’t let me go higher. It was after this that I had to play for statistics so that the game would adjust matches and let me go higher. To get the rank you want, you need to statistically prove that you play above your current rank, this applies to even the smallest details, such as how you behave in chat, whether you have been banned, how often you switch characters, how far or close you stay to your team, and how long you hold objects.

This does not cancel out rigged matches. I simply put in significantly more effort than the desired rank required, I noted for myself things that help “go” against the rigged system, which gradually increases the rank. This is not directly related to the development of skills, skills are just a support. I tested matchmaking on two alternate accounts, one of which had 100+ hours played. And when I switched to the new accounts, the matches at my current rank were a child’s fairy tale, while on my main account these were GM-level games.

I’m also sure that I played better than the rank I wanted. But I got what I wanted and then I burned out. It’s like you dreamed about something for a long time, then you got it and your life no longer has meaning. You need something else.

Again, you’re actively supporting my point and weakening your own lmao. Please, keep digging that hole deeper for yourself

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You continue to ignore everything I write and cling to one sentence. It looks like trolling, bye.

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Not ignoring what you’re saying you’re just not helping your own point at all. You just keep saying that by playing and getting better your rank goes up. If you are no longer winning and playing above that rank, then you won’t rank up. That is not a rigged game, that is a game placing you at your rank and level. But keep proving me right kiddo. You’re doing great champ keep going! Hilariously ignorant to your own words :joy:

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