Honestly looks like they deleted Orisa

Lucky us the devs are also in agreement.

With that said, i doubt hitscan and sniper will have it easy against flankers. They only have free reign against no aim players who can only hide behind shields.

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Still doesn’t get way from his barrier is what they designed him around.

BUT , saying all that, i am 100% for them reworking Rein to not have a barrier.

Did you even like launch OW?


Good luck trying to contest enemy snipers with no snipers on your own team then though… I heard you love huddling behind cover 24/7 when snipers control the available lanes.

And having fun with roadhog hooks and anything else that requires a shield or line of sight to block, like discord orb.


Lets assume the game will actually be balanced (lol)

In that scenario a lot of the players celebrating the loss of barriers are going to be in for a very rude awakening. Imagine how much heroes such as Junk, Sym and Torb will need to be buffed to deal with the loss of shielding, more open maps and loss of a tank to farm.

Not that the game will be balanced. So I’m sure it will be fine.


I think the changes are pretty good on the surface. I’ve said before that despite being my main, I think Orisa is the worst-designed tank, and she was in need of a revamp.

But… Nearly everything I love about the current hero was removed.

Maybe I’ll find that the appeal of her playstyle actually hasn’t changed much, despite the ability wipe…
I expect I will…

But I am absolutely going to miss her current kit. Outplaying a Rein Shatter with Halt and her barrier on Dorado was the moment she clicked for me. It felt perfect.

Now I have no clue if she even CAN outplay Shatter.


To be fair, there’s a big difference between “Less barriers” and “Literally no barriers.”

The game will already have “less” barriers by sheer virtue of there only being 1 tank. That in and of itself crushes most of the barrier-centric playstyles without removing barriers entirely.

(Feels a bit hypocritical, tbh, because you’re the one who always says “No guys, they only want less cc on non-tanks” when people gripe about Ana keeping her 5-second stun)

Tactical barriers could still definitely have a place in brawler-esque playstyles.


Yes. Let me clear something up. I dont maind barriers in FPS games. As they been in games ive played before like Battlefield.

I dont mind having a barrier/shield. The issue , and this is a huge issue for me, is when you have multiple barriers, OP tank synergies, that cover each others weaknesses, that basically allow for the 2 tanks to not have much downtime.
1 barrier goes down, another comes up, or a bubble is available, etc. Sigma by himself does this that makes him have little to no downtime. Shield, then it goes down , then kinetic grasp, then when that is over , you have rock to cover you, then after your barrier is up again, rinse and repeat.
All this slows down the gameplay, makes people play timid, and non engaging, always relying on barriers to even play the game.

Look at how many people are shocked and scared that it seems they cant hide all game behind barriers. Like if they will now be helpless lol. That is all they know as far as playing this game. Hide behind barriers and slowly walk forward.
I mean , Jesus, get in the fight and kill the enemy, do something besides hiding all game. Engage.


Isnt Sym supppsed to be moved into suppprt class? Doubt they will want junk anywhere near viable outside some niche choke.

It s time for you to laydown tje bombs and pick up the railgun and join us. Before it s too late.

Depends on how shield spin and spear throw work.

Im thinking she can throw her spear and stun him.

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TBH, with Rein being the only barrier tank (I mean, it feels likely Sigma will lose his too, since he’s also confirmed going to be reworked), Shatter is a HUGE issue.


Yeah, but if her spear throw has like a 12s cooldown and 0.5s wind-up, it will be a non-threat.

Maybe she’ll have the tools to deal with it. Maybe she won’t. I don’t know.

Nothing new there then.

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The Sojourn trailer showed Sigma with his barrier. I think Sigma is keeping his Experimental barrier, while the anchor-tank Orisa is losing hers.


I was thinking she can just ready it and hold onto it until she needs it.

A video showcasing the new reworks would answer all of our questions


Shatter and snipers are two questions that need answers pretty readily with how OW2 looks to have cratered the effectiveness of shields. I haven’t seen anything as of yet that gives me confidence that either/both won’t be huge issues going forward.


Nothing says faster gameplay than an overheat mechanic on a hero known for being able to fire their weapon over extended periods of time. It is only a mere 3 second penalty if you do it, and her effective range is gutted. I think this will truly contribute to a faster pace, DVS. I am glad that you and I, both, can agree with the developers with this very intelligent decision that contributes to their goal.


currently Orisa wouldn’t work for ow2

Anything you wanted a shield for: half the cast ultimates, antinades, discord, hook, rock, turret, mines, projectile spam, hitscan spam, snipers…

Oh and blocking enemy support healing too. And in general just having a chance to actually heal people without then getting instantly deleted. Why reinhardt just gets deleted.

There is a reason why Bap is so meta rn.


Overheat mechanics are nothing new. And they have always had a very simple to understand workaround. Just let go of the fire button once in awhile before it overheats.
And the only reason current Orissa holds fire for extended periods is because she is always behind her barrier. What else is she going to do currently.
And her new rework she will be using abilities more, and wont be firing all the time so the over heat issue wont be that much of a hinderance.
And on top of that she will do more damage as well, and have bigger projectiles for non aimers.

It will as she doesn’t just anchor down on an area, hardly move, and put a piece of tape on the fire button.
She actually has to move forward, engage, and be more active than current Orissa.