Holy Light [A Mercy Ultimate Concept]

Said this in the original post. Cleanse as an ability that also heals 50 over 2 seconds.

I like this!!

20 Char


I remember a post that said he wont let Mercy heal him up because he should take a breather for whole hog since its more important then valk… And quite honestly it almost is. It’s arbitrary ofc, but Mercy’s ultimate isn’t that powerful considering the fact that her single beam target heals isn’t the best either. It’s not very good at it’s job, which is keeping the team alive. If I see a valking mercy it’s a nuisance, not a threat.

I feel the same way.

1000 post AYAYAYAYAY :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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Oof I didn’t see that. I like these ideas, but for her ultimate I feel as though it should be extended to all crowd control aside from like Boops. It would be a decent counter to Blizzard, Grav, or Earthshatter as well as things like McCree and Brig.

10/10 for a really good idea my friend :slight_smile:

Well blizzard did make the mess of a rework so its only really fair that they clean up the mess they’ve made which has really gotten any better with them trying to sweep it all under the rug. (which its now less noticeably a problem but its still there under the rug waiting to be cleaned up.)

Time to actually clean it up properly.

Fair is Fair.


This post needs to be forever bumped so it isn’t overlooked. This would help it compete with all the other support ults, with have great burst heal. The cc annihilation would make it feel much better.

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Fair is Fair. :smile:

She could be the first hero who is anti CC for her team rather than themselves!

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Doesn’t Zarya’s bubble cleanse debuffs? I can’t remember if it does.

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It does. I mean for the whole team though

Oh and btw it probably wouldn’t be really hard to code if they just made it like soldier’s biotic field animation.

i don’t know if it would be OP though. 60 continuous heals is A LOT of healing paired up right. It would be powerful with just the heals in general.

As someone has said though, is the dog willing to give up the bone (rez)

I have thought about it and I am willing to give up res if they don’t mess her up.

Honestly I’d rather give up the ability to bring teammates back for the ability to actually keep them alive. I’d love for a 60
HP heal and this new ultimate.

I hate how people say she needs it since it’s an important part of her kit. So was Hanzo’s scatter, sym’s beam, or even the molten core they are about to scrap. They have made her balanced, but she’s so lackluster and uninteresting now I literally have no reason to play her instead of Ana.

Well with that ofc…

Scratch that I think 55 would be a nice middle ground. 120 HPS would be a little intense.

People would beg for nerfs.