Hold the Line Challenge

Bumping this. Still no progress on several weekly challenges. Can y’all at least acknowledge the bug so we know it’s on the radar to be fixed? A lot of us are missing out on the ONLY way to earn OW Coins, and a ton of battle pass exp.

Same here. battle.net returns nothing. -.-

I am also having this issue. I hope we get compensation for this since we’ll all be missing out on premium currency due to this bug. Bliz pls fix

Yep, having this issue with all my weeklys: Hold the line, best defense, and the damage one.

Also having this issue. Kinda infuriating considering how stingy with coins they are now.

BLIZZARD, if you’re reading this, you owe us all compensation for this. We play your new game under your new greedy terms; the least you can do is make it functional.


same problem here, looks like i will loose some cash this week. at least the reward is crap enough to mostly ignore.

Mitigation doesn’t work for me too

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Hold The Line has been bugged for me since the update too

“This” exactly. Grinding hard for that quest things, and that bug happens, losing 10 coins for nothing.

Also having this issue. As this is the last day to complete the weekly challenge, I will miss out on the coins even though I have most probably completed the challenge because I play tank all the time.

I got the same. Was trying to fix myself
Scanning and repair doesn’t work
Tried different arcades
After I won Total Mayhem this challenge started to work
You can try to play total mayhem and see if will work after in qp

Same issuee and i wpuld really like to be able to finish my challeneges

Hold The Line has been bugged for me since the update too

They didn’t give any coins to compensate. This is ridiculous.