Hog should not be able to 1 shot

ahhh yikes xD what went down there

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Nonsense. People whine that Widow is OP and Widow gets nerfed. People whine that Ashe is OP and Ashe gets nerfed. They listen to your complaints.

True story:

I was tanking in an escort game, we went double shield Sigma/Rein. Enemy went single shield with Hog.

We had an Ana. Hog tried to hook our Ana umpteenth time, but probably landed 20% of them. When one of the hooks landed, our Ana hit him with a sleep dart. He is about to wake up against a 3v1. He takes a big puff but get’s naded.

A hog is only as threatening as his hooks. Anyone that wants him nerfed probably can’t dodge them, or doesn’t recognize the distance.

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When our main-tank immedietly switches to hog after dying once as Reinhardt to enemy which wasn’t even the support’s fault.

Our tank: “It’s Roadhog time”
Me as Ana: “No”

Usually, the games where our tank switched to hog turns the game from winnable to unwinnable because the hog tends to get deleted by the enemy ana’s anti-nades.

I get that you have to deal with many unreliable supports, but I’m not one of them. So please tanks, give your supports a chance before immedietly deciding to switch to hog just because you died once.

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Just calling it what it is. I’m sorry you took offense about what others have already figured out. I’m sure if you keep whining Blizzard will hear you and do something about it.

It’s a 5+shot.

-Consider if the target needs to be hooked or if you need to save it, then aim
-Send Hook while still aiming/predicting on its outreach
-Hook check
-Pull / (or break on literally nothing), twist if you need to
-Aim again

You earn the kill if you did all of that correctly. Not included is to check if you have ammo before you Hook vs if you just heard a threatening sound from somewhere and you need to reactively eliminate their ability/ult.

For some in this thread:

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Nah. Landing hooks ain’t that hard and it’s free kills more than 90% of the time. Plus, he has near infinite health. Maybe you play with people who understand that throwing a nade on Hog can neutralize him. Most support are not like that. They either don’t know they should do this and don’t do it OR they are not playing Ana and refuse to swap to her. Hog hook is broken. Often, it lands when it shouldn’t or it breaks. Also, being able to throw hook through the tiniest little crack in a doorway is absurd and inconsistent with other characters in the game. Hog is not alone. Ana can do the same with her nade. However, certain other characters (like Ashe, Torb, Sym) cannot throw turrets or dynamite through these same cracks.

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The most disadvantage Hog has is he consumes a tank slot.

Yeah I feel so heard it’s annoying. CC is being adjusted just like I asked 3 years ago, devs released a ton of new tanks and support heroes, all the tank busting cooldowns have been adjusted and it’s not like we have been 6 months without balance changes or that 2021 was among the least agreeable balance changes in the history of Overwatch for me.

Yeah we totally at fault for nerfing Widow, keep up that delusion, it’s not like pro players claimed as much for the longest time and only took Blizz years to actually do something about it…

Mate I feel so seen and defining to this crap, lazy, dumb and coward balance team that I haven’t played since May. Sure go ahead, blame the community, if it’s what it takes for you to have hope.

With that way of thinking we would get everyone nerfed lot more because people whine about everyone.

Then how is he posing a threat if he’s not moving?

In fact the playerbase got destroyed everytime they nerfed healers and tanks


It doesn’t take much to take a quick left and right look.

It’s still much better than before.

I agree, it isn’t hard. But there’s plenty of things other heroes can do to dodge it. Just simple AD strafe can make landing hooks harder.

Hog’s hook is powerful, but fighting him is manageable by a lot of the other heroes.

Except he doesn’t. You gotta hook, shoot and melee. Unless you always get hooked by him when you’re 20 HP, I guess.

So what would be the difference?

No, he isn’t “perfectly balanced”, cause he’s got no real tanking tools other than “I’m just gonna stand here, heal and soak up shots”. But don’t go around acting like he’s some mego OP character. He lives and dies by his hook, outside of that, he’s got nothing.

Exactly. Don’t rush up to his face, wait for hook, dodge and then melt him.

I don’t understand why people always say you’re out of position if you get hooked, but Widowmaker doesn’t get that same excuse. Today I headshotted some Mercys. Each one had garbage positioning, but blame widow right?

I mean, if the issue with widow is that you die the moment you peak a corner, then doesn’t the same apply to hog? Sure he can’t hook you from across the map, but let’s not kid ourselves here. The range on hook is quite long. If you go anywhere we’re most characters want to be, you can get hooked.

While I don’t think hog is broken or anything (just annoying), this just isn’t true. Overwatch’s sound engine is beyond broken to the point of hog and pharah making no noise, loud footsteps coming out of nowhere when the enemy isn’t even close and ultimate lines straight up not playing sometimes.

Disagree. Ashe’s TNT is frankly easier to land. So is Coach Gun :wink: If 90% of Hog’s Hooks were kills, he’d actually be a viable/preferred tank. Perhaps you feel like you die 90% of the time you get hooked, but you don’t seem to play heroes over 200hp. Hook is almost 100% avoidable based on positioning, teamwork, and cover. I play Hog as my only real viable counter to Tracer, and often times the Tracers that cause the biggest issues that force me to swap are above diamond so they know how to play around Hook. Landing Hook is like landing Sleep Dart, it completely depends on your target and what else is going on. I’d say getting hooked is like stepping into Junkrat Trap, you can often avoid it if you know where not to stand.

True. Mccree and reaper footsteps are also regularly bugged out. Hog is so fat I usually have other means of keeping track of him though.