Hog should not be able to 1 shot

It doesn’t take much to take a quick left and right look.

It’s still much better than before.

I agree, it isn’t hard. But there’s plenty of things other heroes can do to dodge it. Just simple AD strafe can make landing hooks harder.

Hog’s hook is powerful, but fighting him is manageable by a lot of the other heroes.

Except he doesn’t. You gotta hook, shoot and melee. Unless you always get hooked by him when you’re 20 HP, I guess.

So what would be the difference?

No, he isn’t “perfectly balanced”, cause he’s got no real tanking tools other than “I’m just gonna stand here, heal and soak up shots”. But don’t go around acting like he’s some mego OP character. He lives and dies by his hook, outside of that, he’s got nothing.

Exactly. Don’t rush up to his face, wait for hook, dodge and then melt him.

I don’t understand why people always say you’re out of position if you get hooked, but Widowmaker doesn’t get that same excuse. Today I headshotted some Mercys. Each one had garbage positioning, but blame widow right?

I mean, if the issue with widow is that you die the moment you peak a corner, then doesn’t the same apply to hog? Sure he can’t hook you from across the map, but let’s not kid ourselves here. The range on hook is quite long. If you go anywhere we’re most characters want to be, you can get hooked.

While I don’t think hog is broken or anything (just annoying), this just isn’t true. Overwatch’s sound engine is beyond broken to the point of hog and pharah making no noise, loud footsteps coming out of nowhere when the enemy isn’t even close and ultimate lines straight up not playing sometimes.

Disagree. Ashe’s TNT is frankly easier to land. So is Coach Gun :wink: If 90% of Hog’s Hooks were kills, he’d actually be a viable/preferred tank. Perhaps you feel like you die 90% of the time you get hooked, but you don’t seem to play heroes over 200hp. Hook is almost 100% avoidable based on positioning, teamwork, and cover. I play Hog as my only real viable counter to Tracer, and often times the Tracers that cause the biggest issues that force me to swap are above diamond so they know how to play around Hook. Landing Hook is like landing Sleep Dart, it completely depends on your target and what else is going on. I’d say getting hooked is like stepping into Junkrat Trap, you can often avoid it if you know where not to stand.

True. Mccree and reaper footsteps are also regularly bugged out. Hog is so fat I usually have other means of keeping track of him though.



Easy for you to make braindead complaints about the character without actually offering an alternative balance state that would keep him viable. If you dumpster hook, you dumpster roadhog as a character. It’s not like he’s picked for his awful shotgun or self healing ability.

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He can not oneshot.
He has to land a hook, walk forward, shoot, and after the damage nerfs most likely follow up with a melee as well.

This are free actions this is not a oneshot.


it is one “shot”

Hook and melee are not shots. so it is technically correct when people say that, even though it goes against conventional gamer logic. its better to call it a combo though

“oneshot” isnt even a word

“Free ult charge” considering he got the massive buff to not feed as much ult charge that can be further increased by using his E lol

only one of those is a “shot”

one shot isnt wrong, it just goes against conventional gamer logic

if they spell it oneshot that is implying the wrong thing and not even a word.

McCassidy should not fth-roll-fth that can obliterate tanks

Spamzo should not be able to melt shields with ‘‘fire 6 arrows faster’’

Literally the worst tank in the game, that only gets value in uncoordinated games. Even a semi-coordinated ladder game can shut down a hog, just have OK (not even good, just OK) positioning and some comms, and the Hog will probably not be able to play the game.

Silly Spamzo, this game isn’t balanced for YOU! :sweat_smile:

But on a serious note, Roadhog is an easy target, can’t really protect teammates during an advance like Reinhardt, Sigma or Orisa can, and at the pro level his hook combo is rather telegraphed. In short, Roadhog is better in pubs than in pro, which is why you’re frustrated with him.

If you understood game balance, then you’d mention the 30+ much more broken abilities and heroes ruining this game instead of hog’s one-shot.

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dps shouldn’t be able to one shot either.

Next week: Zarya should not be able to erase a Squishie in 1.3 seconds.

Its like all premise and conditions that have to be met are gone. Comparing Widow’s oneshots with Hogs are like comparing an e-mail with a mail: Sure both deliver the message but holy cow one is way way way way way more difficult/tedious/unreliable than the other.