Hog rework leaked legit?

To the people saying this sounds fake… This is BLIZZARD we’re talking about here. Their past reworks have pretty much all been garbage.

That said, I take all these with a grain of salt till the official changes are out.


he can’t transform himself in a giant hog, it’s a joke, he’s just human and had a human skillset.


So many doorways he wouldn’t be able to walk though. Imagine using it in a room then just being trapped in there. lol


Problem I have is that, it looks like someone just looked of Battle for Olympus hog Ult in the trailer and copy pasted it to their rework idea.

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Yeah, it’s pretty much copied from the event. That said, the event Hog could be a small test as well to see how it works.

At least take in some solace knowing that Hog may be disabled for ranked if his rework is substantial enough though.

Nah they spelled Chain Toss without capitals in the Developer comments section. Can’t be real :eye: :lips: :eye:

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You guys wanted it.

Enjoy Hog being trash when he doesn’t need to be.

I said it in a prior thread but there’s a whole bunch of reasons to believe it’s fake and zero reasons to believe it’s real.

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Fake. Reworking his combo has nothing to do with Whole Hog.

I’m quite posivitive that one is fake. For one, they said they were looking at a “soft rework” which to me means they’d maybe replace one ability or change how it works and have a few stat modifications in there for good measure.

This one would be a completely new kit with changes to every single ability even ones like Whole Hog which are arguably in a pretty solid place right now. More importantly, this would require new assets and animations for at least two abilities, arguably even everything. Given that Blizzard haven’t even implemented a Brig change they’ve mentioned they had decided on last year because they were still waiting for all assets to be finished, I very much doubt that they could just spontaneously conjure a completely new kit for another character.

Second, a lot of this is a bit too silly. The spider man hook to swing around and especially the ult. The Giant Hog thing is completely out of the left field and I don’t think it’s consistent with Blizzards world building. Other transformation ults have logical explanations: Winston just gets really pissed and ditches his tesla gun to go fistycuffs, Ramattra makes use of an laternate configuration which likely was part of his default build when he was still an omnic combat unit, Genji just pulls out his sword etc. For Roadhog to transform into an actual pig would be way too weird.

Third: This is already in patchnote configuration. With Blizzard actually failing to release their own patchnotes in time for the release of the actual patch the last few times, I can bet you that even if they have all changes to Hog finalized already, they won’t even have started writing the patchnotes yet. That’s something they only ever seem to compile on the day of the patch itself.

I can pretty much guarantee you, if this were legit, we’d instead just get a short text listing the changes.


Torb and Symm have had pretty solid reworks to where they are now neither overpowered nor complete meme picks.

All reworks are basically hero replacement… just look at Sym.

Honestly this was needed. One Shot Tank known as Roadhog was just not healthy.

We might even see other hero buffs and nerfs because of the removal.

The only sad thing is the removal the custom match training room dummy.

Torb is ok… Symm isn’t really that good. Once a team knows there is a Symm she’s easy to deal with.

He NEEDS an overall rehaul.

is there anything that isn’t a youtube upload of a terribly edited tiktok video?

Blizz is likely demanding take downs of any new info since it’s 2 weeks early.

Youtube is famously slow

(Honestly we would get a stronger response if it also leaked the Brig ult rework.)

Not the first time they did this…remember sigma’s shield is pretty much sym’s old barrier, only difference is sigma can manually stop it


Spider-pig is that you

Id contest this. Sym is really strong right now. She’s still not as easy to use on attack, but outside that she’s an impressively strong hero.

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