Hog needs a serious buff

Passive: Selfish

Roadhog gives enemies 20% less ult charge when above 50% health.


His damage isn’t good - and nobody cares about FFA, this game is a 6 versus 6 team game.


His left click spam out Dps every single tank including Zarya at 100% and dva blowing all cd…

In that case let’s nerf the snipers. They’re basically Roadhog 1.0 with incredible range.

Sniper doesn’t have the survival road hog has

That comment makes me think you don’t play Roadhog much.


Their survival is being pocketed and having a smooth getaway ability. They feed less and require much more teamplay to kill. If Roadhog can’t one shot with a well aimed hook on an 8 second cooldown, Snipers can’t one shot from across the map with a no cooldown gun.

Do you know how ridiculous his dmg was before the nerf?

Shoot hook shoot dead tank

He was a fat reaper with more burst and survival with a 1 shot mechanic and he was op and unfun to play against

Okay, don’t buff his left click or hook combo damage.

But do buff his right click, and make him more consistent.

If you want to make him consistent make his fire a hitscan

But none of straight dmg buff or more survival buff…

What should a Roadhog be doing between lengthy 8 second hooks (Which aren’t even guaranteed instakills).

If his right click is absolutely horrible?

He brawl like every other tank at close range…

That’s extremely limited value for a tank

  • Beyond nearly absolute pointblank his left click kinda sucks
  • His secondary is weak and nearly useless
  • Long cooldown hook
  • No mobility
  • No shielding
  • Feeds Ult charge like crazy

MAybe blizzard can rework him…

Or maybe if his role is killing things, he should be better at killing things.


He doesn’t need a rework. He needs bugfixes and consistency so he can fulfill his job, being a fat DPS without mobility or defense.

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Yay Bastion would cease to exist because of the armor piercing. No thank you.

What if they made shotguns have a fixed spread pattern instead of a randomized one so if you make the exact same shot twice you’ll get the same effect.

Oh why not bring back the hook that could transcend the plane of reality?

Please don’t use FFA as a means to balance or make arguments for/against tuning characters. I can’t imagine what would happen to some characters based on that mode.