Hog needs a serious buff

Before you say he’s OP, think about the last time he was meta. Ever since brigs release he’s been in a very rough spot imo, and is very hard to use effectively without being a walking sack of ult charge.

My main suggestion might be buffing his right-click falloff damage, bug fixing, or better yet some dmg resistance on his ult. Discuss what you think below.


Literally the worst tank, hopefully no-one thinks he’s op.


Or maybe ult cancelling?

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Lets be honest he needs buffs to every part of his kit


Reduce the speed reduction while ulting and maybe increase his hook range.

I just say they should across the board let channeled ults like Hog and Pharah be cancelled early if needed (like how McCree can do)

Whatever but no hook 1.0 and the skill to one shot 90% of the cast constantly again.

I think a general rework to how shotguns work would be a great start. if i recall correctly, even Roadhog’s gun is binary in terms of headshots–you either get a full headshot despite shooting the body or a full bodyshot despite aiming for the head.

I feel like fixing this would be great for both Roadhog and Reaper


As a Sombra player I love to see a roadhog

He does need a little something.

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In the correct situation he can see or feel OP like when the enemy has dva, zarya, mercy, and zen comp he counters them all easy. But any other comp he really struggles.

Honestly imo his hook range is one of the only things that doesnt need a buff, also zen counters hog

I want his ult to get the take a breather treatment where he has full movement speed and 50% damage resistance. That with maybe a second off his hook cooldown OR a slight increase to his alternate fire damage and he should be in a better spot.

I want whole hog to get the genji blade treatment and not be utter trash

A first step would be to let him cancel out of his ult.

This is what I want:

  • Hook instantly cancels all sideways momentum.
  • Consistent spread pattern on every shotgun blast.
  • Hook pulls targets a bit closer.
  • Shotgun ignores some or all of the damage mitigation from Armor.
  • Secondary fire changed back to it’s former high damage, slower fire rate. (Reduce ammo by 1 if needed)
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I said it in your thread proposing these:

I support all of those except that the armor one concerns me. But sideways momentum being stopped when hooked is a fantastic idea. IMO I don’t think it would ‘break’ anything in terms of balance.

he does not need a straight up buff, he needs a power shift.

it is evident that his damage and survival is good or even too good hence all the roadhog abusers in ffa however his lack of utility toward his team is what makes him not picked in a 6 man setting.

rework him and take some of his survival or damage and give him some kind of group utility skill fit for 6 man

the game is at a good state where you can run death ball or dive. if you straight up buff him we end up with death ball every game again… s10 was cancerous

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I blame you, Sombra!!! I BLAME YOU!!!

sorry but a hacked hog is a dead hog and i get free ult charge

In all honestly, the next thing i think they should do is revert the distance nerf on Roadhog and make it to where it pulls enemies right in front of him again.

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